
Chapter 521

"Time never waits..."

"I know, your damn asshole... tell me something I don't know!" Leon shouted.

Leon completed the twentieth cycle, and then he heard that voice again. Despite his insults, the voice didn't say anything. Leon was too mad to notice that he was only digging his own grave by insulting the spirit. He was getting stronger since he was using his skills non-stop and even increased his elemental resistances, but he would need something more to defeat just a fragment of the spirit of the time.

Despite that, his spirits couldn't or wanted to say anything. Leon's psych was being damaged little by little, but they couldn't do anything to help Leon. Although they lived a lot more than him, they didn't know how it was to wish for one thing so much but being out of its reach, despite being at the same time so close.

Congratulations! The skill Poison Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Fire Resistance has leveled up.

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