--- Kamiko ---
Corela rubbed her temples as she sat back in the chair. During the conversation Kamiko had pulled out seating for everyone, or rather a bunch of seating and everyone chose a favourite. Most people ended up in beanbags. Hunter for obvious reasons, Meg because Hunter was using one, Kamiko because she didn't want to stand out after Corela flopped into one… and Bower took a normal chair. Kamiko did ensure there was enough beanbags for everyone but Bower just complained about it being bad for his back.
Corela clearly had no such concerns, perhaps it was the dragon ancestry? They liked to curl up on things. Regardless, Corela didn't seem to be having a good time. Kamiko realised she maybe should've tested for healing laser beams before now… and her bubbles wouldn't do anything for a headache. Probably? Kamiko didn't know if she could quite manage one large enough to be on the safe side.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: