
Chapter 1537 A Thought-full Moment

--- Kat ---

Things between Hunter and Meg… devolved? Kat wasn't sure what the correct term for things actually was. They weren't speaking anymore… Hunter was just sort of hissing at Meg while attacking her, but Meg was easily avoiding all of the attacks Hunter threw her way. It made Kat think Meg had to be Rank 4… but both Hunter and Meg seemed to believe that in a serious fight Hunter would still win somehow.

Ultimately, Kat felt it best to just let them get it out of their systems. She was busy comforting the other two girls. Bower was making himself scarce so that wasn't a concern. Kat had ended up pulling out a large couch, pulled Kamiko onto it and was giving her a lap pillow while stroking her hair. Lily wasn't left out either of course. Kat had cajoled Lily into transforming and then stuck Lily in between her breasts.

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