
Chapter 1320 Rainbow Road

--- Lily ---

Marigold and Lily were making good progress. Their plan was moving forward. Slowly, but it was moving. One step after the other they were climbing higher. Eventually they'd have enough height to clear a huge amount of distance, or just glide down to the finish line. In theory anyway. 

See, they say no plan survives contact with the enemy, and that's quite true. In this instance, March was that enemy. After realising the pair actually had it in them to walk a considerable distance up the box, she'd started planning. The idea she settled on wasn't ideal but it was better then then doing nothing. 

March started to steam, jogging in place, lifting her knees high and letting the steam start to really waft off of her. A light kick against the platform which rang out a clear, gong-like sound. March was ready. March launcher herself forward, feet first, and slammed her boots into the wall putting as much force behind the jump-kick as she could. 


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