--- Green ---
"So can you give us any examples of the sort of challenges we could be facing?" asked Carl.
Thyme pondered for a second, getting into a proper thinker pose and even summoning what looked like a thought-cloud to show off a rapid series of images. It was a bit fast, but Green had good eyes and she managed to make out, a campfire, a statue, three mice in a conga line and at least one set of creepy eyes. Green was unsure if those repeated, or if the eyes were different each time, the images were a bit too quick.
"I suppose I can give you a bit of information. Please keep in mind though, that the point of these challenges is to be random and varied. You're just as likely to get a combat challenge as you are one where you pretend to seduce an orange. Sure not every platform will trigger a challenge, but a lot of them will. Though, keep in mind, if one person beats the challenge on a platform it will be cleared for everyone…
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: