Gareth and Burgandy vs Carl and Blue with Marigold on the side
Current Match Score 2-2
Gareth POV chapter.
Gareth stared down at Blue and Carl. Burgandy was hidden in the back as she got ready to serve. Blue was spinning the water wall much faster now, Gareth was assuming it was to help prevent balls getting pushed through the water but he couldn't be sure. Carl was bouncing on his feet, trying to keep himself limber. His eyes were scanning the water, though the increased speed meant more foam and limited his visibility somewhat.
Burgandy twisted the ball around in her hands. Part of her wanted to pass the ball back to Gareth. Let him take the final serve. He'd done well enough last time, and it was clear he knew how to hit a target. Yet Burgandy's pride wouldn't allow it. The shot should be easy. Just an easy lob towards a massive amount of water. No problem. Easy peasy. So why was she sweating?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: