
Chapter 1157 Does this Count as Marigold’s Luck?

Nixilei recap:

Blue – Left Leg Yellow, Left Hand Red, Right Leg Green, Right Hand Red (Top right corner)

Nixilei – Right leg Green, Left Hand blue, Right hand Red (Laying sideways across bottom of mat)

Marigold – Right Leg Green Left Leg Red, Right Hand Green, Left Hand Yellow (At the top)

Stan – Right Hand Green, Left Hand Green, Left Leg Red  (Lying down in the middle really)  [Stan's turn again]


"So Stan… what have we got… it's… oh dammit really?" said Thyme. "Right leg anywhere. Just… do whatever you want. After the dry spell with the 'any' selection it's coming back with a vengeance. At least it's a new limb," 

Thyme might be pleased by the introduction of a new limb, but despite the slight issues it was currently causing, Stan wasn't all that pleased with the change if he was being completely honest. Part of him wanted to use up that last red space, taking it over for himself so that it would be causing problems…


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