
Chapter 1070 Bang, Slam, Bap



*Hmm… I might want to use my water transformation when I escape from this. Bang doesn't seem to be aware of my advanced regeneration so I can use that to surprise him at some point.* Kat's thoughts were interrupted by Bang continuing to rant, "They won't be able to piece you back together if I kill you first!" 

*Does he really think he can kill me? I thought Meng and Bang, which… yeah I'll just call him Bang. Meng was remarkably tight-lipped about his real name. But what was I saying? Oh yes, he seems to think for some reason that he could actually kill me. Not only am I ridiculously durable but there's no way D.E.M.O.N.S would let someone die on a summon. I guess Bang really is the junior partner in this.*

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