
Chapter 884 Yellow Waves

Kat nodded and got to work. It was one thing to say she wasn't going to apply salt to Yang when the consequences of such a thing were much less clear. Xiang was already starting to heal after a generous application of salt and not doing the same for Yang felt a lot less like respecting her wishes and a lot more like leaving her to die. Besides, they hadn't heard a single word from her in a few days now. A minor blessing, but really not worth all the pain. 

Kat's first job was making a new place to put Xiang. It was pretty rough, he just needed a bit of shade so underneath a nearby tree was good enough. A small hole and two rows to funnel what little poison was left and Kat was willing to call that good. Kat carried Xiang over and plopped him down, ignoring the slight wincing and groaning he made while being moved, no longer twitching from the salt, but still not the best perhaps. 


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