
Chapter 836 Evaline Did it.



Lily sat on her bed staring at the wall as Kat rubbed gentle circles on her back, "There there, it's over now. We survived,"

"I don't think I can ever look at my Mum the same way. Or whips, hairdryers or triple A batteries. Or really quite a disturbing number of things frankly. I didn't know half of that information… and somehow a lot of it is only really applicable to lesbian relationships! I know my Mum is straight. She's told me that, even after knowing that I'm gay. If I didn't know otherwise, I'd think she was at least bi!

"But even still… I agreed to 'something somewhat embarrassing' as a punishment! That wasn't embarrassing that was mentally scarring and I wish I could remove it from my mind regardless of how physically painful it is. If repeated head trauma as a way of memory destruction was in any way reliable, I'd go for it. Even if it wasn't safe! It was that bad! How are you not a mess!"


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