
Chapter 719 What a Light Weight

As Kat was being knocked backwards she slowed her mind as much as possible to get over the shock. *I… I can't believe it. I mean, I really SHOULD believe it… but… I just… huh…* Kat let the silence of slowed time wash over her. It wasn't really silent but sounds were far enough apart and thoroughly distorted acting like a similar environment anyway. *Why did I think punching the bear person, or rather, meeting her fist to fist was a good idea?*

*Have I really gotten so used to being a powerhouse? I mean, Thyme exists so I should KNOW that I'm not the strongest person around.* Kat was of course ignoring the fact that while she was mindful, she was the biggest kid in the orphanage, or at least the oldest, for quite some time before becoming a demon. She was also one of the more fit and physically skilled people in school, especially considering she didn't do sports.

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