
Chapter 513 Taking a Stab at Introspection

*I'm really not as good as I thought huh?* Never before had it been so clear to Kat that Kamiko outclassed her as a fighter. *I guess she was really holding back against the guys at Wrath. They couldn't have been faster than the rats so I imagine she let them get away with a lot of things. This might show me that she's more soft hearted then I thought… but it also shows off how strong she really is.* 

And Kat really wasn't sure how to deal with this knowledge. *I jumped in and tried to take care of things as fast as I could so that Kamiko wouldn't be alone with two of them for long… but I was the one wasting time. I know that fight was sloppy but I had intended to take a few hits to speed things up. Did I even manage to do that? For all the hits I slammed into that first rat it managed to block my for a huge amount of time. 


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