
Chapter 479 The Weight of Choice

The remaining two demons just sat and stared at the area Aslena had vacated. Kamiko had a small amount of water that had just started to leave tracks down her face as she tried to cope with the storm of emotions that was locked within her. The many conflicting feelings were ultimately uplifting, but it was mired by confusion and uncertainty. Kat was completely gobsmacked. She wasn't crying like Kamiko, but she felt worse.

*I… I came into this fantasising about a way to get Aslena to run away crying. I didn't ever think I'd succeed and it was mostly a hope that I'd be able to beat some sense into Aslena how somehow magically got to one up her in a verbal spar. Both seemed unlikely and they were… but to see it sort of work. To see her run… I feel kinda bad. 


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