
Chapter 459 Da Mine Rules Part 1

Stone stood tall outside the cave entrance for a few more seconds waiting to see if there was any more questions he needed to answer before he got started on the important things. He found it best to answer all the questions someone had beforehand so that they were willing to properly listen to the full explanation when he went over the rules of the mine.

"Right then. I have a few official rules, and a few unofficially ones. I won't be telling you which is which because both are just as important as each other. The only reason some are unofficial is because I won't be taken to task for not telling them to you, or be punished if I see someone breaking them even if it's stupid. I want you to treat everything I tell you seriously. Please ASK questions if you need. While the job itself isn't dangerous for you, not really, the MINES are a much more deadly foe if you don't follow instructions. Do you both understand?"


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