
Chapter 371 Kamiko’s first summoning

"Right sorry Kat" said Kamiko "I got a bit side tracked there. I didn't mean to spend so much time talking about ghosts… but I guess it is a little important to the story so it wasn't time wasted really. Um do you want a drink?"

"I'm fine, I don't really get a parched throat anymore, or at least, I haven't gone long enough without water that it's become a problem, and I can make ice if I really need. Also, I enjoyed the ghost talk it was informative."

Kamiko smiled and her eyes started to twirl. "That's great to hear. I guess I should start the summoning story then. So, I got called off to this temple you see. In the middle of a massive room filled with… Oh it must have been two hundred people or so? Maybe more, all praying to the circle that I was summoned in.

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