
Chapter 322 Lily’s Desk Continued

Kat couldn't be bothered asking for those answers right now though, so wrapped up in the scene that she continued to take in as much as she could. There were a few other people that weren't recognisable in the library, at least not to Kat.

*I wonder if Lily knows them as well, or if they are just to fill in the space. Normally I'd say they were just random people but honestly, Chekov has already gone so far above and beyond what I would have expected from this that I wouldn't be surprised at all if Lily knew each and every one of them.*

Kat, in her scanning of unfamiliar faces, almost overlooked one more familiar face. In the very back corner, to the furthest right was a man sitting in a pile of rugs. With a smile on his face and gleam in his eye. He looked younger than Kat knew him to be… but it was easily recognisable as the face of Gramps.

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