
Chapter 308 The Big Seven Strikes Back (Wrath and Pride) 

"Ssso, Wrath… wait did you have any quesstionsss about Greed?" asked Kara

Kat shook her head and the medusa continued "Right, ssso, Wrath… they are… well… sssimple issn't entirely accurate, and they allow membersss to join and leave really easily, but you can never ever come back. Once you leave Wrath once, that'sss the end, they hate people who try, and will either asssign an imposssible tassk or sssimply kill them for asssking. Yesss we can die, sssurprise, though not all of usss have the power to permanently end another demon, mosst of Wrath doesss, or at leassst enough that it'sss a concern.


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