
Chapter 289 Idiot on the loose

In the end, Kat let herself fall out of the sky towards Xiang. It wasn't ideal, but she'd rather check in on the idiot than let him run free outside of her view for too long. So of course, as Kat reached the ground and noticed that he wasn't even in the clearing, Kat felt the strong desire to slam her fist into a few trees just to see how they shattered.

*I can't believe this. I just needed him to wait a little bit. I hardly even took half an hour looking over an entire enemy compound. I cannot believe he already got bored and wandered off. I mean really.* 

Kat shoved as much energy as she could into her head and ears, already wincing at the cost of what she was about to do. Sounds hit her like a wall, and she focused her mind on sorting them all out trying to find where the heck Xiang had managed to sneak off to. Luckily, it didn't take too long to find the idiot in question, but Kat was already down a small chunk of energy on a completely useless expense.


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