
Chapter 232 a Minor amount of rain

Kat glared angrily at the pond in front of her. She had taken a lengthy trip down the left paths, and even spent a while going only right. Nothing changed until she once again decided to backtrack, and of course, when backtracking you end up in the damned clearing instead of where you were supposed to be. Now Kat was debating once again, if the pond was evil or not.

Of course, instinctively Kat realised that a pond could not be evil in and of itself. Her mind had not left her, despite the likely, hours, perhaps longer, spent wandering the wheat maze. And yet, it seemed to be the heart of her problems.

It was the only thing in the maze that was different in the slightest. The round room with the pond. And so yes, it must be important… but trusting it to not be a trap was hard. *I mean, really how many dream ponds have I even met? Surely not that many? So how can I trust it.


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