
Dual Cultivation

Asher's mind cleared up as he realized just what he has done, now he has to take care of another girl...


When Ariel used her secret technique to absorb his Yang Qi it took much more of his Origin Yang Qi than anticipated, he needed to replenish it as soon as possible and Ava was a perfect choice, she was a Sovereign ranked Genius Inner Disciple with her Origin Yin Qi intact.

Taking her Origin Yin Qi would help him recover the Yang that he loss from Ariel, treasures that had Yin and Yang Qi were so rare that the Star God Realm had none, so he needed another alternative, merging Yin and Yang by Dual Cultivation was the perfect substitute, so he did just that, but harsher than needed nonetheless.


Ava checked her body, to be honest, she wasn't proud of it but she probably orgasmed about ten times when Asher was having his way with her, Asher's Dragon God Physique was too overpowered in that regard, she was surprised to feel her meridians thickening and strengthening which was inconceivable for any treasure or pill to do.

She weakly sat up, took the healing pill off the floor and put it in her mouth, she sat cross-legged and started refining the extremely potent Origin Yang Qi that Asher shot in her while she started recovering.

She heard before she even met Prince Asher that Asher helped a middle-ranked Noble Family become a high ranked one, he did it for the girl of the middle-ranked family who was actually a servant of his!

This caused many young Noble Maidens to want to become his maid too, but too bad that the position was full.

She didn't doubt that Asher would be able to give what he offered, but she still felt horrible for the way Asher treated her.

Her body was extremely exhausted at this moment as she wiped the tears off her face.

She wasn't going to regret it since she already accepted this outcome, she wished he didn't go so intense for her first time, but she knew that was his own way of coping, she thought back to what the Holy God Realm Princess did and if Asher didn't want her to do that, then his outburst made sense.

She still had hope that Asher wasn't some sort of beast.

She clenched her fist and teeth as she made two promises to herself


"Brother!" An enchanting and lovely voice called out to Asher.

"Hm?" Asher looked over and saw the second princess, Eve, she was running towards him with a big smile on her face.

Eve was the sister whom he had the closest relationship with.

"I missed you!" Eve hugged Asher tightly like she didn't want to lose him, she has been trying to break-through to the Lord realm all this time and actually succeeded, she finally got to see her favorite brother and entered Lord rank so she was extremely happy at this moment.

Asher looked down at Eve who snuggled into his chest like a little kitten and smiled, he caressed her head and embraced her.

They separated and peered at each other

"You've gotten so much more handsome! I didn't think that was possible!" Eve exclaimed as she circled around Asher whom she hasn't seen for a long time.

Asher got a little embarrassed but still said

"What about you sister, you got even more beautiful after breaking through the Lord realm."

Eve brightly smiled at her brother's compliment.

It was true.

She was shining with spirit and strength, she looked like a Goddess that just descended to bless her land.

Eve's long purple hair was even longer than before, her skin white, tender, and beautiful, her face looked flawless and her silvery white eyes were as outstanding as ever, she also seemed taller than before.

Eve was going to ask what her brother was up to but scowled her willowy-like eyebrows once she saw a girl leaving his house.

Ava's Academy uniform was ripped off by Asher so she had to wear his clothes.

She looked like she only had on a T-shirt that was many times too big for her, but there were some shorts underneath.

"Who is she?" Eve asked in an icy cold tone.

Asher's heart dropped

could she tell?

Once you took a girl's Origin Yin Qi, the Qi lingers in your body, cultivators with exceptional perception can tell who got with who, and Eve could clearly tell what that girl who just appeared and Asher did before she came here.

"Brother, you can't be seeing these weak girls, they just like you for what you represent, not you as a person." Eve spouted out as she looked at Ava with a mix of disdain and another emotion.

The Argent beauties had a dilemma, usually, girls wanted someone more powerful than them right?

In their generation, there was no one worthy of this title even if there was they might still not be interested, Asher's sisters were never enthusiastic about any guy as far as he was concerned.

"She's...just a friend." Asher thought about it and then told his sister.

Ava's heart turned when Asher called her his 'friend', but she knew how low her position was in his eyes.

"Ho? Do you hear that little girl? You are just his friend, now leave" Eve mockingly said to Ava

Ava clenched her fist while thinking 'I won't stand for this!'

in the end, she still submitted and said with clenched teeth

"Yes, Star God Princess Evelyn."

Ava bowed and was going to leave before she heard Asher call out her name.


Ava turned around, she promised herself she wasn't going to ever cry again, but she couldn't help it as her eyes started getting blurry once she saw Asher.

Asher walked up to her and wiped her tears off causing her to stiffen.

Ava looked up at him, confused.

"I will abide by my promise, here take this"

Ava was confused as she was handed something when Asher clasped her hands, she looked at what he gave her and gasped.

It was an ethereal star necklace that was one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry she's ever seen.

Asher stared into her stunning greenish colored eyes and said.

"This can protect you, it also has other features, I will talk about them to you later."

Ava's beautiful face nodded absent-mindedly and then took her leave.

Changed Asher’s sister the second princess’s name from Eva to Eve/Evelyn

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