
God Beast’s

Asher slowly opened his eyes and looked toward Chloe who was staring at him and smiled charmingly

"Is there something on my face?" Asher asked

Chloe, hearing his words noticed that she got carried away by staring it his otherworldly face for too long and blushed while she cutely said


Asher smiled at his cousins response then yawned

"Ahh i'm feeling a little tired....mind if I use your lap as a pillow?"

Asher rested his head on Chloe's thighs without waiting for a reply.


Chloe was stunned at Asher's actions and was going to push him off until she saw his handsome peaceful face sleeping on her lap.

She blushed even more then lovingly massaged his jet black hair as she recalled him saving her and his heroic appearance.


Asher opened his eyes and found himself looking in to complete darkness

'where am I?'

He could smell a faint flowery like smell and started going closer and closer to where it was emitting then smirked as he found what was he was looking for.

He slowly brought out his tongue infused with divine lightning and gave a light lick to the flowery place.

"ohhhhh—" A feminine moan rang out but seemed to get covered by her own hands

Asher turned his head around to see Chloe's beautiful face completely red in embarrassment.

Chloe noticed Asher's face was so close to her secret garden while he was sleeping and didn't know what to do, then felt an amazing feeling as she glared at Asher.

Asher acted like nothing happened as he sat up and then said

"Thank you for letting me rest, how long was I out?"

"A-About four hours"

Asher nodded then sensed his surroundings.

It was the middle of the day and Dawn, Sarah, Liam, Logan, Henry, Savannah were all recuperating from their fight with the Zephyr Wolves.

Asher, still not having enough energy to even use any Qi decided to start cultivating to replenish himself.

He could feel his Dantian slowly filling up to the Third Level of the Earth Spirit Realm when he continually absorbed the top-graded spirit stones in his palms, but he could also tell it was still far away and the immense amount of Spirit Qi it required to level up.

He was happy flying through cultivation realm's before and was getting frustrated at how slow it has been ever since he reached the Earth Spirit Realm.

Asher looked up toward the hundreds of stars shining in the daytime and started to absorb the starlight, more and more starlight poured down from the heavens and converged into Asher's body and left him with an incomparable warmth.


Like this almost a year passed in the God Domain Realm Jungle

Asher and his group slaughtered countless C and B ranked God Beasts and their improvement was immense.

Asher managed to comprehend the third style of the Star God Slayer Art which allowed him to easily kill a lower B ranked God Beast that was equivalent to an level two Earth Spirit Martial Artist instantly without expanding too much energy.

He also had great improvements on his sword arts and attribute intents.

They were mostly training their combat skills and techniques so Asher only managed to raise his cultivation to the third level of the Earth Spirit Realm in the whole year but his true power was far above that.

There was one problem they had getting closer to the end of the year, and that was the God Beasts were getting scarcer and scarcer.

They would have to search far and wide to find God Beasts to slay even when the God Domain Realm Jungle was massive.

"It shouldn't be like this." Asher said to everyone.

They all nodded with agreement, there should be countless God Beasts roaming around the jungle like before but as time went by, they seemed to disappear....it was a little...eery.

"We are going to split up, before there were enough God Beasts for all of us to kill and train with but now there aren't enough for our big group."

Asher decided to split everyone up into a group of four.

Asher went with Chloe, Dawn, and Henry.

The other group was Sarah, Logan, Liam and Savannah.


Asher, Chloe, Dawn and Henry traveled around and found some straggling God Beast's, but still not enough to train with.

Asher scowled his sword-like eyebrows....if this continues there is no need to keep training in the God Domain Realm Jungle

It has been a few hours since they kept traveling and was about to approach night-time.

Asher spread out his spirit sense one last time before they would go back to meet with the other group and call it a day.

"What is that?" Asher noticed a chaotic aura emanating hundreds of meters out.

A booming voice was heard that caused them to feel suffocated

"Black Dragon?" The voice called out

"HAHAHAHA you low ranked Black Dragon's dare to come into this lords vicinity?."

A large humaniod figure almost as tall as the giant trees in the God Domain Realm Jungle appeared before them with a fiendish grin on his face

"S ranked!"

Asher noticed the humanoid figure was atleast a S Ranked God Beast and his heart skipped a beat at how powerless he felt under the pressure the figure caused him.

'S ranked God Beasts should not be this close to the God Domain Realm City...whats going on?' Asher thought

"We were intending to crush you all later, but it's okay to do it right now I guess."

The giant figure said in a fiendish voice with a laugh.

The humanoid figure cackled as he decided to not waste any time, he punched out with his huge fist toward Asher, Chloe, Dawn and Henry


They all felt their lifes flash before their eyes at the impending doom of a S ranked God Beast's fist

Asher grit his teeth trying to resist the dreadful aura that was emanating from the fist even before it hit them and took out something from his storage ring.

It was a life saving talisman that his mother gave him, a large majestic looking golden shield covered the four just before the gigantic fist landed on them and a large explosion sounded out


Asher coughed up blood as he took the full force of the impact and even some of the aura seeped through and instantly made Dawn and Henry unconscious, only Earth Spirit Realm martial artists would be able to keep their consciousness under that fierce-some aura.

'Damn' Asher gritted his teeth and wiped the blood that was leaking out of his mouth with his fist. The life saving talisman can only do so much against a powerful lord ranked God Beast.


The giant figure was confused that he didn't pummel those tiny people and stared at them with interest before winding up another punch like he was playing with his meal

Asher looked toward Dawn and Henry who have fallen unconscious and didn't think about anything else other than trying to leave

"Come here!" Asher said to Chloe who was standing with an frozen expression like she had just accepted her death.

Chloe quickly snapped out of it as she heard Asher's voice and dashed close to him.

Asher hugged Chloe, Dawn and Henry as he tried to quickly teleport all of them out until he found out that the space was locked.

"What the hell?"

Asher cursed and remembered something about the information he learned about God Beasts

There were certain S ranked God Beast that had the ability to lock space in a large vicinity that they resided in and there definitely must be one close by


Asher truly felt unlucky, he smiled at the powerful fist that was slowly pushing down toward them.

The aura, suffocating and monstrous, made Asher angrier than he had ever been. Asher had always had a short temper and was now feeling like he was scum that could be killed anytime which made him feel like bursting a blood vessel.

He felt his blood boiling at the thought of dying and felt like something in him snapped.

The humaniod figure's large fist finally reached where Asher and the three others were and punched down only to be met with an equally dreadful force as his

"We will spare your life today, as you allowed the Prince to feel what death would be like and let him break through his limits, now shoo." A figure in all black waved his hand as he said to the giant.

The giant figure, noticing the other party was as strong as him, gritted his teeth in resentment and then walked away with indignation as he thought

'Ahh I can't mess up the plan now'

The shadow figures that stopped the fist of the giant humanoid started talking as the giant figure left.

"Did you see that? The Prince managed to teleport out in an space restricted zone, just in time to save himself and his friends, amazing.....was that a bloodline ability?"

A shadow asked another shadow

The other shadow didn't say anything as they tried to locate Prince Asher.



Asher, Chloe, Dawn and Henry suddenly appeared somewhere in the jungle

Asher caught his breath, checked to see if his body was intact and looked around him

'We're not dead' Asher said to himself with relief

He fully checked his body and realized under the pressure of death and the space restriction he actually managed to break past the second peak-rank of his bloodline and reach the third stage that unlocked another bloodline ability

"Spatial Liberation"

Asher muttered as he found the information in his mind, Spatial Liberation allowed him to bypass a space restricted zone once in a day.

Asher felt thankful for his bloodline abilities, but remembered that he had shadows guarding him and got mad at them for letting Dawn and Henry go unconscious, he called out but found out that they were nowhere to be found.

"Lets set up the house and wait until they wake up"

Asher looked toward Chloe's face who seemed a little pale and said. He knew they were safe and had to just stay in place and let the shadows locate him.

Chloe just nodded

Asher sighed and activated the array to set up the house for them to rest in.

Asher put Dawn and Henry on a bed in seperate rooms then walked back toward the living room of the house.

He saw Chloe just staring out a window with an expressionless face, she still seemed startled at the way she froze up in the face of death.

Asher's foot steps sounded out which made Chloe turn around and see his handsome personage.

Asher looked toward Chloe's beautiful face and tried to say something to take her mind off it

"You know... you have turned sixteen and will be leaving us to goto the academy soon."

Asher was now thirteen and was looking more and more mature and handsome.

If Chloe didn't know any better she would have thought he was older than her.

Chloe looked up at Asher's tall and handsome figure and finally showed a faint rosy expression on her pale face, she thought about the whole year and how fun it was to train with Asher and how he seemed to always save her when she needed it, she was wondering what he was doing so close to her and why he was looking at her with a certain look, her heart started beating fast as she wondered...

'is he gonna confess that he likes me?'

As Chloe looked into Asher's striking silvery white eyes that were staring into her cherry-blossom colored ones, she quickly looked away and said with her head down in a cute and faint voice

"Mn....we won't see eachother until you turn sixteen....."

Asher who was now in-front of her reached out his hand to lift her head up and stared at Chloe's face.....she was so beautiful

Chloe was as fair as snow with charming rosy lips and a delicate nose. She had cherry-blossom colored fox eyes that revealed a charming and beautiful feeling. She even had a beautiful hourglass figure that was alluring and a elegant oval shape face.

As Asher stared at her, he could feel his body heating up, it was telling him to take her now.

Asher couldn't take it anymore, he rubbed his thumb on Chloe's perfect red lips, she felt a divine tingling sensation

"I really want to kiss you...." Asher said in a deep voice

Chloe didn't respond, her heart started beating so fast, she felt like she was in dream.

Asher smiled at her response and then slowly brought his face closer as he stole her first kiss on her full soft rosy lips

Chloe pulled away

"What are you doing?! ...what if our mothers find ou——-"

Asher lifted up a finger to stop her

Asher didn't feel like hearing her talk, he smiled and whispered "dont worry" into her ear as he brought his lips closer to hers.

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