
My Hallucination.

Now then since I can never pass up a good a good story I'm going to tell you about my lovely hallucination.

First ever hallucination and I had pretty much no idea where the fuck I was as my mind just kind of blurred, somehow I thought I was in some kind of game and had to complete tasks, however nobody would tell me the rules no later how much I asked, I even asked how I could surrender, nobody would answer me so I ended up spending like 2 or three hours screaming and crying things like I surrender, I give up, or I don't want to play I just want to sleep and I want to go home. It was all made so much worse by the absolute searing pain in my spine, chest and hips and massive migraine and lack of sleep the point where I was like, I should just kill myself then I can finally rest. It was really fucking bad.

All I recall after that was mostly sitting on my bed in a daze for I dont know how long.

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