
Chapter 1434 rescue

Five minutes later, Guo Rou returned.

Gu Yan noticed that she didn’t look too good.

Sure enough, after checking the surroundings, guo rou said angrily, “These bastards killed our comrades!”

“What happened?”

Guo Rou gritted her teeth and told him what she had just seen.

“In that room, other than the two men we saw going to the bathroom, there was another person in the room. “Initially, I only realized that the three of them weren’t Real Black Star Troopers. Before I realized anything else, I saw the blood under the cabinet, and the people inside...”

Thinking about that scene, Guo Rou gritted her teeth and revealed a sad expression.

“There were three bodies inside, and they were all wearing black star troopers’shirts...”

As for their coats, they were already on those bastards..

Gu Yan’s eyes also flashed coldly, but she calmed down even more.

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