
Take my life back

Chloe took me to her house and we were greeted by a tall women with long brown hair that had the same dimples as chloe

"Chloe! Where have you been do you have any idea what time it is? And who is this why does she smell like a rogue? Chloe you have 30 seconds to start talking missy!" I haven't know this women very long but she has the universal mom look that lets everyone know you are in Big trouble.

"Mom I'm fine I ran into her on the way home. This is my friend Rose and yes she's a rogue but she has only been one for a few hours so I thought we might be able to help her before it's too late." Chloe was pleading with her mom who never took her eyes off of me.

"Fine start talking and you better not lie to me" she sat in a chair and gestured for me to sit on the couch across from her. So I told her everything from my mothers death to my father and eventually my mate and reason for leaving. By the time I finished my life story she was in tears and quickly hugged me so tight like she was holding shattered glass and if she let go I would break.

"I will Talk to the Alpha tomorrow and see what we can do. Chloe lead Rose upstairs to Ashley's old room she can stay their in the mean time. Now hurry along both of you.

rose you have had a long day so I want you to try to get some sleep and by the way I'm Morgan." With that she stood up and walked out to the back porch.

Chloe lead me up the stairs and down the hall. The hallway was filled with picture of what looked like a loving happy family. Almost like my hallway did before my mother died. After she passed my father trashed the entire house and set fire to most of the pictures. Coincidentally that was the same night that all of the pictures I was in were gone after that too.

We approached a bedroom and Chloe led me inside. " This was my sister Ashley's room, she found her mate and moved to a different pack. She took everything she wanted so help yourself to the clothes in the closet. The bathroom is to your left right outside the door and there are extra toothbrushes in the cabinet. If you need me my room is the first door on the right." I turned my head and smiled at her as she gave me a hug and left.

I canvased the room it was plain. The walls were white and all of the furniture was grey but what stood out most to me was the big comfy red bed. I can't remember the last time I slept in an actual bed. I headed to the shower and turned on the water. Finally being able to breathe I started sobbing finally taking the time to accept everything that has happened and figuring out what my new normal is. I stepped out and dried off and headed back to the room. I looked in Ashley's closet surprised by how many clothes she left behind. I quickly grabbed some purple pjs and settled into the bed. It didn't take long for sleep to engulf me.

""Rose's dream""

I am in some dark woods running for my life. I Hear tree trunks breaking and teeth snarling and a voice in the distance.

"Come here my princess, it's not nice to run away from daddy is it? Don't you miss me?"

Still running I hear the sound of whips all around me until I'm in a field stopped by a pair of glowing eyes.

"Where are you going mate?" Cole was approaching me.

"Don't run, Come home after all If you leave who will watch my pups for me so I can Fuck my Luna properly?" He grins and Veronica steps out from his side.

"Oh come on baby we will get a new sitter. Kill her already for ever even thinking someone like her could ever have a chance with you." Her words seeped venom and her grin said it all.

Next thing I know I drop to the ground clutching my leg. Which feels like it's on fire. I see blood seeping through my jeans. UNLOVED. My leg has opened back up but before I can react I feel something wrapped around my neck. The next thing I know I feel my body tightening and trying to breathe.

"Oh my sweet princess, I know you missed me but I didn't think you would be this choked up about it."

He flashes his rotten teeth and gave it another tug until everything went black.

"End of dream"

I woke up in a sweaty mess putting my hand around my throat gasping for air. When I finally regulate my breathing I lift the covers and look at my leg still healing.

"It was all a dream" I sigh and lay my head back on the pillow. Rolling over I look at the time. Seeing that it's almost 10 am I head back to Ashley's closet and grab a pair of Vans, skinny jeans and a plain purple blouse. I pull my hair back in a tight ponytail and head down stairs.

"Oh my gosh, you poor thing" were the first words when Morgan saw me.

"What's wrong?" Still confused by her sudden actions.

"I think she was talking about your body. It looks like it has seen better days" Chloe said still looking at her cereal.

Not waking up in my dads house and finally feeling safe I didn't think about my normal routine which usually consists of me putting on baggy clothes and covering up my whole body so that the cuts and bruises can't be seen.

"I'm sorry if it makes you guys uncomfortable I can go find a sweatshirt. Again I'm sorry I wasn't even thinking." I was a rambling mess I didn't know what to do I was embarrassed and scared that they might think I was too much to take on. I was in my own world that I didn't notice Morgan had approached me.

"Nonsense child. I was just taken back as a parent you agree to an oath to protect your children from the big bad monsters in society and try to keep them as pure for as long as possible. It's just hard to accept the fact that a girl as beautiful and kind as you had the monster outside your bedroom." She gave me an empathetic smile and offered me some breakfast. Morgan made bacon eggs and toast.

I was sitting there eating when Morgan told me that after breakfast we would be going to see the alpha. She had already spoke to the Luna on the phone since it was her sister and her and her husband have agreed to let me join without a problem. A breath I didn't know I was holding finally let out. The moon goddess was right things might be ok after all.


We arrive at the pack house and we're greeted by the alpha and Luna. The Luna looked similar to chloe and Morgan but her body was much more petite than them.

"My sister has told me all about you. I'm Megan but everyone calls me Megs. You must be Rose." I reached for her hand but she pulled me into a hug and instantly by body began to relax.

"Yes Rose when my wife told me your journey I realized what courage that must have taken for you to endure all of these things in life at such a young age. If you follow me inside we will get you initiated into the pack and you can finally get settled in your new home." With that the Alpha Dave headed inside.

This pack house was much smaller than my old pack house but filled with much more life. The house looked like it only could hold maybe 100-150 wolves. I followed him up the grand stair case and into his office. It wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't all brown and dark like most offices are, this one was like a greenery full of beautiful plants and the ceiling made of glass.

"Beautiful" I let the words slip as I'm still looking around.

"Yes many kids from traveling packs used to play in here and they would always calm down starring at the flowers. As they got older I just kept it because is became a comfort for me. Now come let us begin" the Alpha pulled out a knife and cut the palm of his hand then reached for mine repeating the motion.

" Do you Rose, promise to abide by the pack rules and protect the pack with your life and open you heart to the community and the people around you"

"I do" I said looking at the Alpha

"Then I Alpha Dave of the white tail Pack welcome you to your new home." With that he grabbed my hand and our blood started to mix together. Slowly I could hear the voices coming through in my head. I was making Mind link connections to the people in the pack. I look around the room and I see Morgan, Megs and chloe all clapping.

"Finally now that is settled let me show you the community and introduce you to some kids your age." Luna Meg said as they all pulled me out the door and we headed to town.


While in town Meg asked me all sorts of questions. I did the same. I found out she's not much older than I am and she is Morgan's little sister she just turned 23 a few month ago. So she knows many people close to my age and wanted me to meet them all so that I would feel at home.

Luna Meg took me up to the training grounds where I saw two boys sparring. One of the boys were broad shoulders shaggy blonde hair and covered in tattoos on his back. If I was betting on this match my money would be on him because he is much bigger than the red head who was fit and about a foot shorter than the blonde.

The Blonde took the first move lunging forward and the red head seized the moment by side stepping him and kicking the back of the blondes knee sending him to the ground. The red head was smaller but her was certainly faster and more clever.

"Grant and Zeke come here I want you to meet my friend." Meg said waving them over pulling them out of training mode.

Both boys walked over to me smiling.

"Well hello gorgeous we don't get many beautiful women like you around here. It must be my lucky day." The blonde who is now known as grant grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Well it couldn't have been that lucky of a day of you, I think I sent your ass to the ground in record time today!" Zeke was almost in tears laughing so hard.

"You caught me off guard with that cheap shot but don't think you will get me like that again." Grant smacked him upside the head but Zeke looked as though he was used to it and they both started chuckling.

"Boys we are about to grab some food if you would like to join us" Meg said looking at them then looking at me.

"We are definitely game. I call dibs sitting next to my future girlfriend" Grant says as he slings him arm over my shoulder. With that we head to a local dive and we joke and laugh and I learn all kinds of stuff about the boys and share with them some stuff I used to do back home and about my friends. We finish eating and Meg had Luna duties to attend to so grant and Zeke continued my tour until I saw all of the places to go and even their favorite secret places they like to hide out in. They walked me back to Morgan's house.

"Well we got you home safe and sound like the good hosts we are. You should get some sleep and tomorrow we can figure out your job here in the pack." Zeke said to me letting me walk up the steps. He was turning to go when I stopped him.

"Zeke I already know what I want my job to be." I blurted out.

Intrigued Zeke replied "oh yea? What is it? A florist maybe a baker?"

I took a deep breathe and looked at him with all the courage I had I said " Make me a warrior."

Shocked Zeke and Grant both looked at each other and Zeke finally said " ok but just so you know I know the pack Trainer personally and he is not going to make it easy on you." He gave me a grin like I was missing something and With that him and grant left and I went up to my new room and crashed on the bed staring at the ceiling.

It's time to take my life back.

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