
Hospital Visit

"O-Ooooh my god. Oh my god!" Emily had her arms tightly pressed against her chest, and her eyes tightly shut. When she opened them, Chloe was kneeling on the floor with one hand on her nose, and the other supporting her from the ground.

"We've got to get you to the hospital." She squatted down to Chloe's level and whispered into her ear, slurring her words.

"N-no. No hospitals." Chloe mumbled.

"I'm sorry, but that's not your decision. I think you might have a broken nose. *sigh* I'm sorry Chloe." Emily reached her hand out for Chloe to grab and pull herself up with, but she just turned to a stranger in the crowd behind her to help her up instead.

"It really should be my choice, all things considered." She said in a lowered voice, her head tilted up after shaking her hair out of her face and her left hand was wiping blood from her nose with her sleeve.

"Fair point. We're still going to the hospital." Emily grabbed Chloe by the wrist an lead her out of the club. She could feel Chloe struggling to escape her grasp, but she kept her hand in place.

After the girls got in the car, they were once again met by total silence.

When Emily stopped the vehicle at a red light, she glanced over at Chloe. In that short moment that she had her eyes on Chloe, she could see streaks from tears glistening in the light of the traffic signal.



Just as Emily was about to speak, the light turned green. They continued on quietly until Chloe had been admitted, and they were in the room together.

Standing by the side of Chloe's hospital bed, Emily's eyes began to tear up.

"You should get some rest." Her voice broke slightly when she spoke.

"Em...I think we should talk." Chloe snatched Emily's hand as she moved past the bed.

Emily stood at the foot of Chloe's bed, hands on the edge of it, anxiously waiting for Chloe to speak next. When she didn't she began, "I-"

"No. I'm that should be sorry. You were drunk, and I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that." Chloe said firmly.

"You know what...Um...I'm just going to go home. I should be fine."

"I'll drive." Emily responded after a moment of hesitation.

"Then how the hell will you get to your place?" She sounded more pissed off now than before.

"I'll just walk. I don't really care how far it is. I need to...just walk." Emily shrugged her shoulders when she said this.

"Jus- *sigh* Drop me at the office building. It's not too far from your place, and I'm perfectly fine with sleeping in my office." She threw the blankets off of her legs, and pushed herself off of the bed.

"Sounds good. Um...I'm going to...wait outside while you grab your things...Sorry. I'll just be outside the room."

After Emily left, Chloe collapsed.

She cupped her face as she began breathing shakily.

"Lets go." Chloe said with a sniffle as she exited the room and passed Emily a few minutes later after collecting herself.

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