
Otaku Arriving at Cultivation World

Raynor passed through white doors, he found himself on grasslands, he had a feeling that this planet is much more massive than Earth and he was feeling that he is much, much smaller, the sky looks more further away, and mountains look much more bigger, Everest has nothing on these mountains!

Then he got notification on his HUD

[Welcome to ATG by Mars Gravity! your tutorial world!]

[Your objective is to survive here for one year!]

Raynor released angry sight,'I am a mundane guy in Cultivation world!, and still have a chance to meet that lunatic! Damn it!'

Raynor continued to read the notifications

[After achieving your objective, you traveling powers will be fully unlocked]

[Now your beginners package will be generated randomly!]


[You have received support type package: 3x!

Do you wish to open?]

Raynor shrugged his shoulders 'Why not?'

[You got 'Medical God experience'

You got 'Runic God experience'

You got 'Blacksmith God experience'

Integrating their experiences and adjusting the body to a new world! In 3... 2...1]

'Oh shit!!!'

Then his world went dark and, he felt like his head has been split in half by pain...

~~~~~~Few hours later~~~~~~

Raynor was laying down on grasslands with spread out arms and legs, when he got his consciousness back his head was assaulted by massive migraine.

'What in hell blazes happened! I feel like bullet train rammed into my forehead!'

He got an absurd amount of foreign memories...

How to make things, like swords, spears, lances, maces, and he knows pretty much any metal just by looking at it!

His other memories are about runes and they are amazing!, He can bend reality just by writing letters!, he can build formations, gravity rooms, or carve runes on weapons giving them enormous powers! and that is just the tip of the iceberg!

And Medic God experience makes modern doctors look like toddlers in front of him!

But Raynor cannot be happy right now, because his head is being pounded by pain, he not only inherited their experience but, perception and other things related to their professions, thus his pain, as his mind is adjusting to this upgrade.

So he is going to be grumpy for foreseeable future.

'Fuck this place! I already hate it!'

After getting his bearings, he started to look around, this time he is looking at things differently with the experiences he has, he started formulating multiple plans in instant, how to start cultivating..., he looked at the small mountain not far away...bingo!

He started to walk towards the mountain, his pace was moderate, with his migraine he doesn't want to fall down face-first into the ground, good thing it's still same time like it was in his homeworld, he doesn't want to walk blindly in midnight.

Less then an hour later Raynor arrives at the mountainside, he realised he need to have profound energy to actually use runes, so he found a boulder and sit down on it in the lotus position.

Raynor scanned his body for the first time with his new experience he found out it was utter trash, with zero profound entrances open, It seems his new powers gave him Profound veins!, while not Heretic God or some other fancy God it will be enough to survive here for a year...

After his scan with Medic god experience, he decided used Profound energy from outside to open one of the entrance, normally it would be impossible but, he now houses three godly perceptions, especially Medic God perception, for some reason he felt even insulted that he thought it's impossible!

So he grabbed profound energy from outside and guided it towards one of his Profound entrance and used one of several known methods to open it, he felt like he did this millions of times before.., he repeated the same action for another fifteen times until he was satisfied.

Once everything was set he started cultivating, his godly experiences screamed to him how to cultivate the fastest way possible to First of [Elementary Profound] which took him barely any time...He felt smug how he cheated to reach this realm, as he mixed Profound energy from outside to bond with vital energy...

After his breakthrough he started carving on the stone first set of runes in an ancient language with his Profound energy, after he did it, he went north, then west and south, since his original carving was in the east from mountain point of view.

With the carving finished, he trapped mountain in a simple formation to attract profound energy to the mountain top, he wasn't done since he doesn't want to spend days just doing cultivation... so he decided to carve more paths for profound energy to come to the peak of the mountain.

After finishing his carvings Raynor waited on the top of the mountain until it going to fill up with Profound Energy, he listened to his favourite soundtracks to elevate his migraine, he checked the minimap and it shows the region of the Floating Cloud City he saw the Xiao Clan, the Xia Family the areas they used are massive compared to his homeworld.

'The City probably has around 100 thousand people or more... but the size of the city... they don't conserve land at all!'

After waiting for 2 hours on rock, the formation was ready for use, the mountain was full of energy but this was only the beginning, since he carved more than just simple attraction, the second phase was sucking all of the profound energy around the mountain and send it at the top but he needs some of the energy before that's was ready...

Raynor did few hand signs and send a message via dense profound energy to the runes, they started glowing, sucking profound energy around the area and sending it to the mountain.

His actions on profound energy were felt by a certain girl in the city, as she was actively cultivating, she sensed that profound energy just left around her house, she was shocked by this, she quickly made up her mind to find the source of this event.

Raynor was unaware that he attracted the attention of someone he didn't want to attract, as he opened remaining entranced achieving the fabled Heavenly God spiritual veins, with all 54 open he started to absorb profound energy at incredible speed going...

[Elementary Profound 2]

[Elementary Profound 4]

[Elementary Profound 6]

Stopping at [Elemental Profound 7], he was unaware he was observed by the said Girl, she was incredibly beautiful, long black hair, face hidden under a veil, and blue robes which cannot hide her still growing beautiful body.

Raynor opened his eyes, and took a deep breath, only to smell something disgusting!

"Oh my god what is this smell!!! its so disgusting!!!" he quickly dashed into spring he tagged on his map before, just for this kind of situation, he was followed by intrigued girl, who has never seen someone dressed like he was, 'Maybe he is from that place... ' she hoped internally.

Raynor arrived next to this spring with utmost haste, he 'ditched ' his clothes and jumped into the water, scrubbing off away all the impurities from his body, then he went up for air which was WAY longer when he remembered before, he checked his image at the water, which looked way better, he lost all of his fat, he wasn't fat, neither he was then, but now he looks like an athlete, no wasted fat on his body.

After finishing looking at his reflection, Raynor checked his HUD map and saw a dot on the map, with name tag he didn't want to see, at the same time he did, but she is trouble, her beauty is trouble, he doesn't want to deal with, not at this time.

"You know for the first time I know how a woman feels then someone peeps on them..." Raynor spoke with some amusement, but he didn't look back at shore, instead he slowly started to turn towards trees, where she was hiding behind.

Raynor saw Girl coming out behind a tree, for the first time he saw someone from this world, she was dressed in expensive-looking blue robes with a blue veil covering her face, but he knew she was earth-shattering beauty, and apparently she is trying not to look at him.

"Who are you? And how you were able to breakthrough so fast! I saw you without cultivation next moment you were [Elementary Profound 7]!" Her voice was soft, but there was a coldness in it as well.

Raynor could feel his migraine coming back this caused him to get annoyed, so he didn't answer, he just started to move towards shore, without care for his modesty since his head hurts and he simply doesn't care what this girl thinks...

While the girl tries to turn away not to look, but curiosity and intrigue about this man's origins won so she just continue look at him with half turned look.

After leaving water he summoned his backpack from inventory and pulled out spare clothes.

The girl was in shock again since he pulled out something similar to a bag out of THIN AIR, she didn't saw any storage rings on his fingers, and the clothes and materials its made off... is nothing like she ever saw before, and she is merchants daughter! She saw all kind of materials! And most importantly she is IGNORED! That never happened before in her 15 years of life! She feels her woman pride got severally hurt!

Raynor used his profound energy to dry up then he got dressed up, black Adidas slacks, No Fear burgundy hoody and blue Adidas trainers, he looked at the dirty and smelly clothes, he pulled out carrier bag from his backpack and put all the smelly clothes in it, after that he stored the carrier bag into inventory separately.

Raynor started to walk away, the girl who was still in shock quickly got herself out of it, and looked towards the leaving guy.

"Stop! You haven't answered my questions yet!" Girl appeared in front of him with her profound movement technique.

"Do tell me a reason why should I answer your question?" Raynor brought a hand to his head, packing aeons of experience to teenager body was quite headache-inducing, he looked at her, she frowned at him as she noticed that he is pain, but her interest in him was far too big to let him slip away!

"Please! What you did was incredible! And you MUST tell me from where you come from!" Raynor simply ignored her and walked around her, but her hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Please!" Raynor simply stared at her, she stared back, he never seen such beautiful eyes before, he never of course seen a girl like her before... After all, he is realities away from his homeworld which is frozen in time at this very moment.

"As I said, sweetheart, I have no reason to tell you anything as I have more pressing matters of insane headache, and entertaining your whims is not my priority... " She slowly nodded at the same time she was shocked as she never in her life was denied like this before.

"Then at least tell me if you know a place called Realm of Gods?" Raynor simply grunted and tried to walk but Girls hold was stronger.

"I suggest you release my shoulder or... I will show you how powerless you can be... " she didn't release him so he simply touched her hand and send a pulse of profound energy though her nerves which made her lose control of it...

Girls eyes widened to massive proportions, as her right hand is out cold, she saw him start to walk away..., she never was this powerless before... she finally can see some hope of finding information yet, it's walking away!

"Please, just stop... " Raynor stopped as he never likes when girls are about to cry especially the ones he knows are not bitches or gold diggers, so he stopped and looked back at her

"The answer for your silly question is I know about the Realm of Gods as you can see it every time you look at the night sky " She lifted her head with wide eyes and quickly cached up to him

"Do you... have the means to go there?" Raynor sighted at her "Do I look like I can just fly off? " She looked at him... Her heart says otherwise and her heart never lies...

He maybe doesn't have means now... but future is something else entirely.

"And... if you have time?" Raynor looked at her eyes, he can't lie to her as she will know.

"Easily..." He said with resignation, as he knows what's follows after.

"Will you take me with you?" Raynor looked at her pleading eyes...

"Tell me... why should I do that? Out of goodness of my heart? I just meet you, and I can see you will be trouble for me if you stay close to me... " She furrowed her eyebrows which are a pretty sight to look at, even with veil blocking it.

"I understand that its hard to accept someone you just meet, but please! It's important to me! " She pleaded at him, Raynor doesn't want to deal with someone of her calibre she will attract an enormous amount of attention just with her beauty, not to mention what her body is holding!

"Listen... I can't just take you away! What of your family? Your sect! And I am sure you already have a fiancé..." She growled at Raynor excuses, " I can leave my sect and I will break my contract! This is more important! " Raynor has never seen such resolve before, but at this point, his head pain pushed this interest about her aside.

"And what do I get from these troubles!?"He tried to sound like an ass just to make her forget about this but it had the opposite effect...

She stopped him and pulled him closer to herself, face to face Raynor would have blushed if not for his migraine.

"This... is really important to me! I will do anything you ask! Just take me there!" Raynor was gob-smacked at her resolve.

"Then... If I can make you strong, and take you up there " he pointed at the sky " what can I expect from you?" She looked at his eyes it didn't hold that lust she saw in members of Xiao Clan, it was something more...

"Then I can be... yours... I can promise to be your wife, if you take me there " He snorted at her, which made her raise an eyebrow, all the town youths would kill each other for her hand in marriage, yet his reaction was a snort?

"Don't promise something you can't fulfil... its obvious you more interested in going there... that place holds thousands maybe millions of worlds, once we arrive you obviously will just leave... " She bit her lower lip, his words hit right home.

"Then tell me what you want ! I will not resist ! " this...was too much... for Raynor, he decided to stop this stupid thing ... yet he had a feeling he is about to do something really stupid, yet his new experiences are giving him some really needed confidence...

"Fine! I am giving you year... " he showed a finger at her " One year to make me fall in love with you, once I am over heels for you I will help with all my knowledge as well as any cheats I know..." She slowly nodded she can accept that, but same time she thought it will be a hard battle, she doesn't know the first thing about men and seductions!

"I accept... but why one year?" he showed her a pained smirk " because that's how long I am staying in this world..." her body stiffed, as she knows he said truth no one can tell lies in front of her, and he said truth...

Which made her excited in mere one year he can reach the realm of which he can fly in the void between worlds!

"I accept! In one year I WILL be your wife! " Raynor wanted to grin at getting someone like her as a wife, but this stupid migraine didn't help, he was about to walk, but then he remembered what he did to Qingyue hand, he put his hand on her shoulder and send a pulse of profound energy into her nerves, fixing what he did before.

While Qingyue simply stared at her now working hand, she was beyond shocked, in a way he beat her with a simple touch! And she more than one Great realm above him!!!

Arriving there he brushed letters off, by damaging them, the black-haired girl observed what he was doing, she had a hunch these letters which have some profound energy in them have something to do with his quick increase in cultivation.

"What are these letters on stone? " She looked over his shoulder when Raynor was brushing them off.

"Those are... runic letters... " Raynor could guess that she doesn't know what these are, and if he is right only top sacred grounds and phoenix empire has some of these... " and what ARE these letters?" Raynor sit down on stone where letters were, and decided to answer her question.

"In a nutshell its like writing letters which affect reality itself..." her eyes widened as almost sounds absurd "Then because of this you were able to breakthrough?!?" He simply nodded at her question.

"Yes as I build a simple formation around this small mountain, it basically absorbed all of the profound energy around it and then send it to the top of it where I absorbed... easy right? " She shook her head "easy maybe for you!, but it took me nearly 8 months to reach what you did in mere seconds!"

"Maybe... but you were cultivation in an area not meant for cultivation... anyway you should forget about cultivation, sweetheart... " she raised her eyebrow at him what kind of answer is that! Then she remembered something,

"By heavens, I forgot to introduce !" For Raynor, this would be field day to see her show this many emotions, but he felt like an elephant was doing breakdance on his head at this moment so he couldn't enjoy Qingyue flustered action...

She did ladylike bow " my name is Xia Qingyue and yours? " Raynor was quite giddy seeing a girl from one of his favourite book, real and in flesh!

"Raynor Valeron... from where I come from the name is first then family name " Qingyue nodded in understanding, but she was, intrigued, to say the least, she never heard of anyone having name one as his, or how it said.

"Then should I call you Raynor? " he nodded," well then it's nice to meet you then..." Raynor smiled a little bit, and got up from boulder and started to walk to the next one, Qingyue followed him, while same time observing him closely.

She can fell her life is about to become very interesting...

Next chapter