
chapter 9

The story starts with Mariah dressed as a werewolf with a beautiful red dress, and i'm a vampire tying up a cape.

"Who's ready for halloween?" asked Mariah, with passion, and her hand in the air.

Then, Mariah howls at the moon.

"I am, there's delicious blood out there, that I can feast on", I said, acting with Mariah.

"You're a beautiful vampire", Mariah complimented me, while holding my hands.

"And you are a lovely werewolf", I complimented back, while touching her hair.

Stop mid-kiss, we hear Katrice: a girl with long braided hair, wearing mummy bandages comes in, and says "Yo! Halloween love birds, you'll scare the trick-or-treaters".

"Awww! Katrice, didn't you have to go to a halloween party", I complained.

"It was canceled. They got the flu", said Katrice leaning against the door.

"Well, we're going on an adventure that only fujoshi or fundashi's are allowed to go, bye", Mariah says rudely.

Katrice's eyes glowed, and says, "You're going into the TV world again; don't go anywhere over 17".

"This show/manga is for people 16 and up", said Mariah, being defensive.

"Forgive me if I don't trust you", said Katrice. "I'm coming along".

"Kanisha, please say no", said Mariah begged.

"Kanisha, you'd pick your girlfriend over your sister?" asked Katrice.

"That's cold", said Mariah.

"Like your begging was any better", Katrice argued.

I got in-between them, and yells "ENOUGH!"

Katrice and Mariah stop arguing.

"How about we just go into Junjou Romantica. I've watched it with Katrice and she liked it. So, we won't have a problem", I decided.

"Fine", said Katrice.

"I'll always agree to Junjou Romantica", said Mariah, making her fake tail wag.

I put on my watch turn into a scepter, hit it on the floor, and say "Except with a twist".

With a big flash of light, we got sucked into a portal, which slowly disappears.

In-between traveling, still in normal form, we are floating pass screens that show our previous adventures.

"Katrice, I must warn you, since you haven't traveled into Junjou Romantica, this will start with a shock", I said.

Then, another flash of light comes.

The next moment, we were flying down to a condo.

"That's Ahihko's house", said Katrice.

"Call him, Usagi", Mariah and I said in unison.

"I prefer Ahiko", said Katrice.

"Oh well", I said.

Mariah makes her pitchfork appear, and sends a mirror to Katrice.

"A mirror?" I asked, confused.

"Just wait", Mariah smirked.

Katrice looks in the mirror, and sees her braided hair, straight now, a blue suit underneath her mummy bandages, and her nails changed.

"Ahhh! What's going on?" asked Katrice, glaring at Mariah.

"Oh. Didn't we tell you in this world you in this world you get turned into a man" Mariah tells Katrice, then laughs.

"You knew", said Katrice, grinding her teeth.

"I did, but I wanted it to be a surprise", I said.

"Happy?" asked Mariah, smiling.

"Not in the least", said Katrice.

We landed by Usagi and Misaki's door.

"Are we going to knock ?" asked Katrice, confused.

Mariah and I laughed softly.

"No, we teleport", I said, then snaps my fingers.

In a second, we entered the condo, where Misaki is baking with Kaoruko, and Usagi with Mizuki are on opposite sides of the couch reading.

Mariah moves Usagi from Mizuki, I move Misaki, both of us by the snap of our fingers.

Katrice lands in the kitchen by Kaoruko.

All this happening with time being frozen.

"What are you two up to?" asked Katrice.

Mariah and I smirk, and says "Just watch".

As we unfroze time, Mariah ends up on Usagi's back, and I spinned Misaki.

"Misaki!" I yelled, as I hugged him, then gave him a bunch of kisses on the cheek. "You got dough all over you".

"Usagi!" Mariah exclaims, while hugging him, and rubs his hair.

"What's going on?" asked Katrice, Mizuki, and Kaoruko.

"This is Angel-kun", said Misaki, referring to me.

"Mizuki, this is Ma-kun", said Usagi, referring to Mariah.

I pointed to Katrice, and says "And he's my brother, Akito".

"Would you let go of Misaki?" asked Kaoruko, looking at me.

"Awww! But he smells like cookies", I cuddled him.

Kaoruko glares at me.

"Speaking of cookies, we made extras by accident, do you want some cookies?" Misaki offered. "But, first please let go".

"Sure", I said, smiling.

I let her go.

Misaki gets a tray, takes a cookie, ands feeds it in my mouth.

"Usagi, you're just going to watch?" asked Kaoruko.

"Angel-kun is a friend, and I promised Misaki I wouldn't get jealous over every guy that hangs with him", Usagi replies.

"These cookies are delicious, you're an excellent baker, Misaki, that's what I love about you", I said, getting more cookies.

Misaki blushed, and says "I'm not that good".

"Hate to interrupt, but Misaki and I were still baking and we need to decorate as well", Kaoruko gets in the way.

"Maybe I could help", I insisted.

"NO thanks", said Kaoruko, with a cold glare.

Before I could say anything, Katrice takes me out of the kitchen.

"Ma-kun, Angel-kun, what brings you two here?" wondered Usagi.

"We wanted to have some fun, and the thought no better place than where our favorite couple are", Mariah admitted.

"You know how much we love visiting you two", I said.

"And it's always a pleasure to see you as well", said Usagi.

"Remind me, how you met them?" asked Katrice.

"It's a lovely story, but no time, what is everybody doing for halloween?" I smiled.

"I'm selling cookies", said Kaoruko.

"I just finished this book", said Usagi, handed it to Mariah, who's still on his back.

Mariah slowly gets off Usagi, and looks at the cover of the book showing the main character as a vampire, while his lover is a werewolf.

Distracted, Usagi wraps his arms around Mariah, and kisses her on the forehead.

Mariah realizes what just happened, and fainted.

"That's my halloween trick", Usagi proclaimed, with a smile.

Misaki walks up to me, and kisses me on the cheek.

I fainted too.

"That's my treat", said Misaki, still blushing.

"What?" asked Katrice.

"We thought they might come, since they seem to come around holidays", said Misaki.

"So, we planned a special trick and treat", said Usagi. "Don't worry, their fine".

"Just overjoyed", said Misaki.

"Nice", said Mizuki.

"Thank you", said Usagi and Misaki.

"How is this normal for you?" asked Katrice, referring to Misaki and Usagi.

"They helped us get married, saved our lives, we saved theirs; and this their award", said Usagi.

"And what a great award it is", I said.

Usagi picks Mariah up, and Whispers "Could you make a costume for Usagi and I?"

Mariah opens her eyes, throws an arrow at me, I open my eyes and smile.

"Couple costumes!" we jumped in the air.

Mariah measure Usagi, while I measure Misaki.

"There are so many costumes to choose from, cat, vampire, devil, ghoul, gargoyle, werewolf; which one?" I wondered, looking at Misaki and Usagi.

"I would like a cat and a demon", Usagi suggested.

"Wise choice", I said, then summons a cloud, that surrounds Usagi and Misaki.

MIsaki is wearing cat ears, tail, green sweater, and blue so many pictures", Katrice

Usagi is wearing horns, along with his red suit.

"So, cute, I love it", said Mariah.

"I like seeing that you two are having fun, but do you have to take so many pictures", Katrice pointed out.

Mariah and I stopped, and put our phones up.

"How about a Halloween trick and treat", suggested Mariah.

"Like what?" asked Miizuki and Katrice.

I snapped my fingers, which cleaned the kitchen, and a bunch of trays of cookies are flying.

"Something special", I proclaimed

I took Misaki's hand together, and they disappear with us.

"What about us?" asked Katrice, that's when a broomstick appeared floating.

"Okay", Katrice shrugs her shoulder, and gets on it.

The broomstick takes her around the city.

"Whoa! This is awesome!" exclaimed Katrice.

Back at the condo.

"Well, we're alone", said MIzuki.

"And my cookies are finished", said Kaoruko.

So, Kaoruko walks out the door with her floating trays, a broomstick takes them to Kaoruko's bakery.

Katrice lands by a bookstore.

"A bookstore?" asked Katrice.

"May I help you?" asked a person.

Katrice turns around to see a man who has brown hair, wearing a vampire outfit.

"Oh! Sorry, you go first", Katrice moves out the way.

"Wait!" called the man, holding Katrice's hand.

"Please let go of my hand", said Katrice, kinda scared.

"Want to go to a Halloween party?" asked The man.

"A party?" asked Katrice.

The man rubs Katrice's hair, smiles, and says "Sure, it will be fun".

The story goes to us at the hotel on broomsticks.

The hotel has a Halloween decorations all around inside and out.

There are many people inside and just entering the party.

Chie is a witch and Aria is a gargoyle greeting people.

We land by them.

"It's good to see you", said Chie.

"Thank you, I just love vampires", I said.

"Why a werewolf?" asked Chie.

"I thought natural enemies as lovers would be creative idea", said Mariah.

Aria took note of that.

Mariah flies after me, and says "And ma-kun".

"Are you all enjoying yourself?" asked Mariah and I.

Attention away from us, the screen goes to Misaki and Usagi.

Usagi wraps his arms around, and says "I've seem to have found a beautiful cat".

"Demon king, this is a bad idea", Misaki plays along.

"Nobody will find out, monsters know how to keep a secret", Usagi insisted, then leads Misaki to upstairs.

I smirked, as I fly down, and says "Look likes their having fun".

"Why don't you two have some Halloween fun as well", Chie suggested.

"What do you say, my vampire friend?" asked Mariah.

"I say let the magic began", making fire appear in my hand.

But, the fire gets blown out, and the lights goes out.

Mariah and I use our magic together to turn the lights on, but in-between this I felt a paper towel press against my mouth and I pass out.

Once the lightning turn back on by Mariah, holding her pitchfork in the air.

"Angel-kun! Angel-kun! Where are you?" called Mariah,looking around the party.

The story goes to Katrice entering the party with the mysterious man named Asama.

Three boys notice Asama and Katrice pass by.

"Asama caught another one", said one boy dressed as a magician.

"That's the fifth one today", said another boy dressed as a wolf.

"I have a trick for him", said The boy dressed as a griffin.

The other boys listen to his plan.

Asama and Katrice start dancing.

'This weird, in this world, I'm a man, and he's a man', thought Katrice.

"Nervous?" asked Asama.

"Huh?" asked Katrice, and looks at Asama. Asama smiles, and says "Have you danced before, probably not because I can feel your heart beating fast".

Katrice holds her on her mouth.

"How cute", said Asama.

"I just went to one dance in high school, but I was alone, no date", Katrice admitted.

"Really? It's hard to believe you seem to a beautiful aura around you", Asama responded.

"You think. Your flattering me, you probably have somebody you love", said Katrice, blushing.

"Atlas! All the people I meet are only interested in my looks", said Asama.

"Well, I feel differently, you seem sweet and I like guys like that", said Katrice.

"Thank you", said Asama.

Asama takes Katrice's hand, and leads her to an empty room, that has nothing, but a bed.

"Asama?" asked Katrice.

Asama looks into Katrice's eyes, and pulls her for a kiss.

'This is bad, I have to push him away, but I don't want to,' thought Katrice, while thinking she kisses Asama back.

Asama puts his tongue in Katrice's mouth, which caught her by surprise.

Katrice lands on the bed with Asama.

"Asama, we shouldn't we just met", said Katrice.

"But, you said you like guys like me", said Asama.

"I meant…" said Katrice.

Asama interrupts Katrice with another kiss, makes her resist less.

The screen shows Asama on top of Katrice.

"Asama! Uh!" groaned Katrice.

"Relax, Akito", said Asama, softly.

Katrice breathes slowly.

The story goes to me in a dark room,

"You again", I muffled.

"Yes me, having a fun halloween?" smiled the wizard.

"Let me go this instant", I demanded, with the tape still on my mouth.

"Sorry, but I can't do that, I need your watch to regain my powers and bring terror into the hearts of Tokyo, then go to Paris, making my power grows. I tried using her finger to myself, but it didn't work.

"It's magic proof", said the wizard.

I concentrated my energy, and start shooting laser out of my eyes, the wizard absorbs it with his scepter; So I slowly burn the tape stuck to my mouth, and it evaporates.

So, I breath a large amount of fire

The wizard nearly misses my fire blasts, but just as it was about to burn the wizard, he says "You won't be able to see your sweet Misaki, if I burn".

Hearing that, I extinguish my fire with my ice breath, and says "What did you do to Misaki?"

"He's safe, but if he will stay that way depends on you", said the wizard.

"I can't take watch off until I or Mariah and I decide we want to go", I spoke honestly.

The wizard waves his scepter taking the magic inside my watch, which weakens me.

"If… you… do… that…" I said, weakly, as I fainted.

"I know, but I need it in order to get home", said the wizard.

I grabbed the wizard's foot, taking his scepter, which makes me levitate and my eyes glow light blue

"NO! That power belongs to me and me alone", said the wizard, flying in the air beside me.

I swung the scepter making a gust of wind knocked him down to the ground.

I made an aura in the form of a gold crescent moon appear, kisses it.

"Send me to where Misaki is", I said, after it flew away.

I waved the scepter, making other crescent moons come out and I disappeared.

I appeared on a sidewalk, I noticed the sky is purple, the moon is out, cottages around, and a spooky looking castle on the top of the hill.

"Uh oh!" I groaned.

The story goes to Kaoruko and Mizuki selling cookies to families, the families are amazed by the flying broomsticks, and kids take turns riding it.

Back to Katrice and Asama.

Katrice is drinking while watching TV with Asama.

"So, do you hate me?" asked Asama.

Katrice thinks for a moment, smiles, and says "No".

"Why?" asked Asama.

"Because I like you, Asama", said Katrice, with a soft smile.

Asamae hugs Katrice.

"But, how can I stay with you', thought Katrice.

The story goes back to Mariah still looking for me, when her pitchfork made her whole body glow.

"Usagi?" asked Mariah, feeling his heart.

Mariah runs to Usagi, and find him with a worried look upon his face.

"Usagi! Where's Misaki?" asked Mariah.

"He disappeared", said Usagi.

Mariah hugs Usagi with her body still glowing, and says "Send us where the heart wants".

The aura around her takes her and Usagi away.

They land in the same place as me.

I was already heading towards the castle, with the scepter humming as I get closer.

I slowly opened the door to the castle.

"Hello! Hello! Misaki! Misaki! Misaki! Where are you?" I called, as I started running through the long hallway, then go then go door to door.

"This place is so big, how am I going to find Misaki?" I wondered, still looking through the hallway.

The scepter takes me away, making me evaporate, I screamed "Ahhh!"

I reappeared.

"Ahhh!" I continued to scream, then stop.

"Scepter, never just randomly teleport me somewhere", I said, shaking it.

I noticed i'm in a dungeon.

"Oh no. No. No. No", I complained.

Then, I notice a skeleton in front of me.

I touched it to make sure it wouldn't move.

"Phew!" I sighed with relief.

But, before I moved, the skeleton's left hand touched me.

My eyes widened after that, then the other skeleton's hand touch me.

I hit the skeleton with my scepter, and I backed up.

The skeleton pulls itself back together.

I ran as fast as I can, and says "Oh! Heck no to the no, I may have been to 'H' and back in the TV world, but I still don't like skeletons".

The skeletons runs after me, as I head upstairs.

Mariah opens the castle door, and says "I get a feeling Angel-kun came in here".

"Odd place", said Usagi.

"And filled with magic, be careful", Mariah warns Usagi.

They see knights armor running towards them with swords.

"Hmmm… knights in armor", said Mariah, with little emotion.

Mariah gets out her pitchfork and fight the knights with it, and Usagi uses a sword that's on the wall.

Upstairs, i'm still running away from the skeleton, that is on my tail.

"How do you get rid of a skeleton? I wish I had acid", I wondered.

A bucket of acid appears in my hands.

"That'll do", I said.

I stopped, threw the acid at the skeleton, and into a puddle.

I jumped, and says "Yes".

But, from the puddle comes a hand, and slowly a zombie appeared.

I smiled, turned around, runs, and says "Why a zombie, what is this the house of monsters?"

Usagi and Mariah defeated the knights.

"Okay, now let's find Misaki and Usagi", said Mariah, then heads upstairs smelling the air.

'He can smell Angel-kun, life is never normal', thought Usagi.

Upstairs, i'm cornered by a zombie, more skeletons, and a gargoyle.

"Darn limited magic", I complained.

Mariah came with lightning speed punching a hole in the zombie, throws it to the gargoyle, uses the gargoyle as a bowling ball knocking out the skeletons.

Usagi comes behind Mariah.

"Where's Misaki?" asked Usagi.

Mariah knocked the door down, behind it is Misaki behind bars.

"Misaki", said Usagi smiled.

"Usagi", Misaki smiled.

"Watch out", I warned Misaki and Usagi, they move out the way.

I threw a bucket full of acid at the bar, making it melt.

Usagi and Misaki hug.

"I was so worried", said Mariah.

"I was too", said Usagi.

"I'm sorry, Misaki, it's my fault that you got here. It seems every time we visit trouble comes, maybe it would be better for us to not to visit", I apologized.

"Angel-kun?" wondered Mariah, concerned.

"THat's not true, Angel-kun" said Misaki. "When you visit, good things happen, like us becoming friends, seeing you smile,how the wedding, the honeymoon, how everything happened. You always help".

I was blushing, and hugs Misaki.

"Usagi. Do you really not mind me hugging Misake like this?" I wondered.

"I do admit, it doesn't bring me the most joy, but it's better than seeing you and Ma-kun sad, besides I bet Misaki doesn't like Ma-kun being all over me", said Usagi.

"I don't get that jealous", Misaki denied.

We laughed.

But, in-between our laughing we felt a shake, so we look down, and see a three-headed dog.

"Cerbeus", said Mariah and I.

"The mythical creature from greek mythology, that was known for guarding the underworld", Usagi remembered.

Which surprised us.

"What's it doing here?" asked Mariah.

I sniffed the air, and says "I smell dragon's blood, follow me".

We go straight, and find a portal with blood dripping over it.

"I told you", I said.

Usagi take notes of this event in his head.

I took the pitchfork/scepter and send us away, through the portal.

We land outside a bookstore.

"What an interesting Halloween, this has been", I smiled.

"Indeed", said Mariah.

"I definitely won't forget it", said Misaki.

"That's a good thing. I wouldn't want you to forget our role playing game", said Usagi.

"Usagi!" groaned Misaki, with anger.

At that moment, Katrice and Asama comes.

Katrice and I hugged.

"Why is Ma-kun smiling at me?" asked Katrice

"We went through a scary experience and got to see the good in all", I said.

"Okay, everybody I'd like you to meet Asama", said Katrice.

Everybody waves at Asama.

"Well, Asama, I have to go home", said Katrice

Asama and Katrice kiss on the lips, then split.

Mariah and I smile.

Before left we give Misaki and Usagi a kiss on the cheek, but they return the favor by kissing us on the lips, we fainted in Katrice's arms.

"Uh!" groaned Katrice.

Katrice flicks my watch, which makes a big clock appear and turns to a portal.

Katrice drags us into the portal, then it disappears.

"Don't worry, he'll be back", said Misaki.

"The portal… and time freezing for a moment?" Asama questions.

"Perfectly normal", said Usagi.

"Okay", said Asama, then walks away.

We landed back in my room.

I made a second watch for Katrice, that's also a communication device.

Katrice kisses me on the cheek, and goes into her room.

"Well, that was a fun adventure", I said.

"Sure was", said Mariah.

Mariah sits on my bed, and says "So, what now?"

I joined, and says "I don't know how about a movie?"

"Halloweentown or Twitches?" asked Mariah.

"Twitches first, then Halloweentown", I said.

"Good idea", said Mariah.

I clicked the remote.

Mariah and I kissed on the lips.

Then, we look at the TV, Mariah's head is on my lap.

The story ends with us watching the movie.