
chapter 7

The story shows Mariah and I at the park, where I'm wearing a long red dress, and Mariah has pink dress.

Mariah is spinning around by flowers in the grass with a smile.

I was watching her, with my own smile.

"Kanisha! What is your favorite anime?" asked Mariah, starting to smell the flowers.

"I don't know, I like so many anime, be specific", I answered.

Mariah gets closer to my face, and asks "Say Kanisha, can we go back into Junjou Romantica?"

"When did we get from 'what's your favorite anime' to wanting to go back to Junjou Romantica?" I asked Mariah.

"Please! We haven't been there for so long, I miss Usagi", said Mariah, putting her head on my shoulder. "Don't you miss Misaki?"

"Of course, I do, but I left my watch at home", I replied.

Mariah reached into my pocket.

Looking nervous, I asked, "What are you looking for?"

Mariah shows my watch, and put it on my wrist.

"You… you", I complained.

"I just wanted to bring just in case I got bored… I mean we", Mariah admitted.

I gave her a straight face, and says "I know what you mean".

I raised my watch in the air, and says, "Take us to the place filled with love, relationships, and friends; so, we can make a new chapter. Junjou Romantica!"

My watch glows opening a portal, I take Mariah's hand, and we go into the portal together.

The portal shows various screens that show our previous adventures, then we see a purple-colored screen that says 'Junjou Romantica'.

Mariah and I enter the screen, the flash hits us.

I slowly opened my eyes, my hand feels somebody's hair, then their face, I turned around; I was so surprised that I jumped out of the bed, slipped on the covers on the floor.

Misaki puts his head up, and says "What's wrong?"

Misaki sees it's me, and says "Angel-kun!"

"I'm sorry, Misaki; The teleporter put me in the bed with you", I apologized.

"Oh! It's okay," said Misaki.

Misaki thinks and says "If you are here, where's Usagi?"

I gasped, I activated my watch turn into my angel form with my flute, takes Misaki's hand, and disappears.

The screen switches Usagi unknowingly having his arms wrapped around Mariah.

'What's going on? Where am I?' thought Mariah.

Mariah slowly turns around to see Usagi, shocked, a watch appeared on her wrist; there's a bright light that turns into her devil form.

The screen shows Misaki and I appear in front of Usagi and Mariah, after the bright light appears Usagi and Misaki gets changed into their usual clothes by magic.

"What just happened?" asked Usagi.

"Sorry, Usagi, our powers messed up and sends us in the bed with you two," said Mariah, holding a pitchfork, putting her head down.

Usagi's eyes grew, puts his head down, and says "Did I…"

"You just hugged me", Mariah admitted.

"I could just erase our memories of this incident, would that be okay?" I suggested. "Would that be okay, Ma-kun?'

"Yes, Usagi?" answered/asked Mariah.

"Yes", said Usagi.

"Would that go okay?" asked Misaki, worried.

"Don't worry, Usagi will still remember you and your relationship, I have full control of this magic", I reassured Misaki.

"Oh, that reminds me," I said, turning around to Misaki, taps him on the shoulder, making him fly and put in an orange aura shield. "To protect you, I don't want your memory wiped, I only have enough magic to help Usagi and Mariah".

"Okay", Misaki nodded his head.

I turned my flute into a scepter in the shape of a crescent moon, I sent a purple lightning towards Mariah and Usagi; a giant aura in the shape of a crescent moon shows, Misaki sees this looking shocked.

In-between this, a small titanium tube enter Misaki's shield, the lightning reflects because of a titanium chip, making it hit me.

"Angel-kun!" called Misaki.

Usagi and Mariah doesn't know.

After the lightning disappears. Mariah and Usagi notice me unconscious.

Mariah brings Misaki down and the shield disappears.

Misaki runs to me and calls me worried along with Mariah, Usagi feels me and sees I'm breathing.

I finally walked up, looks around, and says "What's going on?"

"Are you okay, Angel-kun, do you remember me?" asked Mariah.

I see the aura around Mariah, but my mind couldn't connect my memory, so I shook my head.

Mariah hugs me, and says "I'm sorry, I suggest we come here".

"Instead of dwelling on that, how about trying to recover his memory, so he can remember you," Usagi tells Mariah.

"You could say that more kinder," said Misaki,.

"Thanks Usagi, I know how you express yourself," replied Mariah, with a smile.

Mariah gets up, and hugs Usagi.

"Is this the time?" asked Usagi.

"At least let me have this hug," said Mariah.

"Okay", said Usagi.

"Is there a way for us to help?" wondered Misaki.

"Yeah! Apart if Angel-kun is his love for gay relationships", replied Mariah.

Usagi gather his manga books.

"Wait! We don't want to traumatize him before we explain that him and Ma-kun got together", said Misaki, hiding the books.

I tap Misaki's shoulder, and says "I'm still here, you know.''

"Sorry, Angel-kun", apologized Misaki.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"Misaki", said Misaki.

I looked closer at Misaki, and says, "You look familiar, how do I know you?"

"I'm your friend, also you helped Usagi and I get married," said Misaki.

"Usagi?" I looked at him.

Usagi looks back at me, and says "Hello".

I touched his face, and says "I lost my memory right?"

Usagi moves my hands from his face, and says "Yes, do you remember anything about us".

"My heart feels like I should, as if I should", I said, then a smile came, then I started to giggle.

"Angel-kun, you alright?" asked Misaki.

"I think I'm starting to get a feeling. L...l...love," I said.

"L...love," said Mariah, blushing.

I pointed to Misaki, spins him around, and hugs him.

"Misaki, I feel like I'm starting to remember our friendship,'' I said, hugging Misaki with a cute smile.

"She's so adorable,'' said Mariah, quietly.

"Don't you have his flute, that he dropped?"asked Usagi.

Mariah looks in her back pocket,finds the flute, her eyes glow, and says "That's it".

Mariah takes my hand, we went downstairs, Usagi and Misaki followed us.

"Your name is Angel-kun and this is your magic flute, if you want to remember try to play a song", Mariah announced, holding her pitchfork looking dramatic, while flying, and the flute flies into my hand.

"A flute", I said.

I played it, the music notes started to surround me, but change into an explosion, which made me hit the wall, and land on the floor.

Mariah runs immediately, and asks "Angel-kun, you okay? I'm sorry, that doesn't normally happen. I'm sorry, maybe we should give up".

After saying that, Mariah walks out the place.

"Ma-kun! Wait!" called Misaki, but Usagi stops him.

"I'll go after Ma-kun, you stay with Angel-kun," said Usagi.

Usagi walks out of the house after Mariah.

Mariah is crying, while flying.

"I couldn't get her back, then again I didn't even try to say we were in a relationship, that probably would've jogged her memory," said Mariah, sadly.

An white aura appears in front of Mariah and takes the form of her, and says "If you know that go back and tell her".

"But, what if I choke on that," Mariah worries.

"Do you love her or not?" asked The white spirit.

"I do, I do," said Mariah, blushing.

"Then, tell her, Usagi already on his way to get you," the white spirit tells Mariah.

"Thank you...uh… what are you?" asked Mariah.

"Think of me as your spirit guide," The white spirit answered.

"Thank you, spirit guide", Mariah bowed at it.

The white spirit rubbed Mariah's hair, and says "There's no need, I'm you after all".

The white spirit disappears.

Usagi runs to Mariah, and says "Are you okay, Ma-kun?"

"Yeah, I have to get Angel-kun to remember, no matter what," Mariah decided.

The screen goes to a mysterious person smiling with fangs sitting in a chair, and says, "Not if I have anything to say about it".

Previously on Ma-kun and Angel-kun's adventures

"Yeah, I have to get Angel-kun to remember, no matter what," Mariah decided.

The screen goes to a mysterious person smiling with fangs sitting in a chair, and says "Not if I have anything to say about it".

The screen shows a blue aura that is flying through the sky.

Mariah with Usagi is running back to the house.

Misaki is watching me reading Usagi's books.

"Misaki," I looked at Misaki.

"Yes," said Misaki.

"Why is your name in these books?" I asked.

"It was Usagi's idea, it represents his fantasies", Misaki explained.

"He really loves you?" I figured out, looking at the book, and smiles.

"How can you tell?" asked Misaki, shocked.

"Your eyes, your face, I can also feel your heart," I answered, putting the book down.

"Angel-kun, can you really not remember us or Ma-kun?" asked Misaki.

"What is Ma-kun to me?" I wondered.

"He's your boyfriend,'' said Misaki.

I got up, I touched my heart, and says "Why didn't you tell me before, I probably broke his heart after I lost my memory".

"I'm sorry," said Misaki.

A second later, Mariah runs into the house, and hugs me.

"Ma-kun?" I asked, confused.

"Did I worry you? I'm sorry," Mariah hugs me tightly.

"Ma-kun, how do you feel about me?" I asked, remembering what Misaki said.

"I love you," said Mariah."I love you so much".

At that moment, my eyes turn blank, Mariah noticed, a labyrinth appears, I got taken away; the labyrinth takes Mariah away, Usagi jumps into the labyrinth to save Ma-kun.

Misaki is left alone, that's when the person from the end of the other chapter appears.

The person is revealed to have long black hair, wearing a dark purple cloak, and shoes.

"Who are you?" asked Misaki.

The person smiles, instead of answering.

An black aura appears in the form of a little girl, and says "The person, no, the being that will seperate anybody in love".

Misaki realized, what might happen, so he tries to run away; but, the person waves a scepter and traps him into a box.

"Nice try, Misaki, but just as Angel-kun and Ma-kun sense the love between you and Usagi, I do too, and I will destroy it," the little girl revealed.

The blue spirit comes, passes through the box, Misaki falls into the blue spirit's arm, and is a little boy who looks like a butler.

"You mustn't destroy the love that has developed in somebody's heart," said the little boy.

The being ignores the spirit and tries to send Misaki away with a beam of purple energy, but misses, the little boy even flies higher in the air.

"Where are your friends and husband?" asked the little boy.

"They were taken by a labyrinth," said Misaki

"Oh no,'' said The little boy. "The labyrinth of the black heart, we have to go there".

The being sends a tornado of venus flytrap, their way, but the little boy repels it and turns to dust.

The little boy makes a glowing light appears, that sends him and Misaki away.

They land in the middle of the maze, looking around Misaki sees Usagi, so he tries to run to him, but the little boy stopshim.

"Misaki? That you?" asked The spirit.

"What is it?" wondered Misaki.

"The dark part of Usagi," answered the little boy.

"Misaki, why did you always deny our relationship?" wondered The spirit.

"I… I didn't know how to react," said Misaki, seeing the spirit's aura.

"You were ashamed, while I was committed to the relationship," The spirit looked at the negative side.

The little boy puts the spirit in a bubble, just as Misaki's eyes started to turn blank.

"What happened?" asked Misaki.

"If you talk to the negative too long, you become the negative, if you see anymore of those dark spirits stay away or your heart will become dark too,'' The little boy warns Misaki.

"If that's true, where's the Usagi?" asked Misaki.

The little boy gives Misaki some of his powers, which make a scepter appear.

"Listen to your heart, think of Usagi, and this will take you to him, but remember there are spirits everywhere,'' The little boy offers Misaki.

"Thank you," said Misaki, then runs off.

"Good luck," said The little boy, then flies through the labyrinth.

Which is when he notices something in-between the bushes

"What is that?" asked The little boy.

The little boy dives down, but gets attacked by the leaves like bombs, he uses his power, turns it into a bow and arrow; then throws the arrow at the branches and it disappears, releasing the thing.

The thing is revealed to be me.

"Oh no! Hang in there!" The little boy calls to me.

An evil laugh echoes through the labyrinth.

"You should've known, after he is your source of power," The being figured out.

The little boy's hands glowed, the energy turns into four arrows, but the being blocks them with his shield.

"You'll need more power than that to stop me and fix him," said The being.

The screen shows Misaki calling to Usagi.

"This labyrinth feels it goes on forever, I wonder where he is," said Misaki, running around.

That's when the scepter glows, where there are three paths, the scepter glows brighter by the middle of the path.

Misaki runs to the middle of the path, where sees a tree and under it is a little boy.

Misaki walks up to the tree, gets on the knees, and sees it is Usagi as a little kid.

"Usagi?!" gasped Misaki.

"How are you?" asked little Usagi, slowly opens his eyes.

"I'm Misaki, you probably don't remember me, but don't worry," said Misaki, with a smile.

Misaki holds out his hand, and says "Trust me".

Little Usagi takes Misaki's hand.

Cherry blossoms fall from the tree, which lands in Misaki and Usagi's hand, the cherry blossoms turn into a ball of light that enters Misaki's scepter.

The dark spirit returns, and says "Don't… it'd be better for him not to remember".

Misaki turns around, and says "No...no… I love him and I know the real Usagi would never say that, because he loves me too".

"Why… why… why do you believe so strongly in somebody like me?" asked Little Usagi.

"Because you believe in our relationship, you believed that we belong together in general, I truly believed that.. That… that our relationship would work; and because of that, we got married," said Misaki, looking at little Usagi.

Little Usagi smiles at Misaki, and says "I'm glad".

Misaki wipes his tears.

"Because I love you, Misaki, so much," said little Usagi.

The dark spirit turns into a ball of light that enters changes back into regular Usagi.

Misaki smiles, and hugs Usagi.

Usagi looks down, surprised at Misaki, and asks "What happened?"

"It's hard to explain, I'm just glad your back, Usagi. I love you," said Misaki

"I love you too," said Usagi, then kisses Misaki.

Misaki gave in for a minute, but then he says "We need to find Angel-kun".

Misaki's scepter starts to glow, making him and Usagi fly up in the sky, where they see another ball of light, they head there.

At the location, Mariah is fighting a bunch of dark spirits with her magic pitchfork.

"Ma-kun!" called Usagi and Misaki.

"Usagi! Misaki! I'm glad, your safe. Where's Angel-kun?" gasped Mariah.

But, Mariah gets distracted by seeing Usagi and Misaki, that she gets blasted by the dark spirits.

"Ma-kun!" gasped Misaki.

Misaki's scepter gives him white wings, he spins his scepter and sends a ball of energy in the shape of hearts against the dark spirits, which makes all of them turn to light.

"Amazing!" Mariah says, impressed.

Misaki's wings disappear, opens his eyes, and says "I know where Angel-kun is".

The screen goes to the little boy dealing with the creature, while protecting me.

"You can't keep this up forever," said the creature.

"He might, but can fix that," said Mariah, makes his pitchfork appear, then sends a beam against the creature.

The creature blocks the energy beam, which hits the labyrinth instead.

"So, you escaped my army. No matter, Angel-kun still hasn't woken up," The creature observed.

Mariah summons a ball of dark energy from her pitchfork.

"Careful, if used up that much energy, it'll make my labyrinth increase," The creature warns Mariah.

"I don't care, as long as it's enough to defeat you," said Mariah, sending a purple aura in the shape of a dragon, which attacks the creature.

The creature loses an arm.

Mariah nearly faints, but stays in the sky .

"Ma-kun, are you okay?" asked Usagi, worried.

"I appreciate your concern Usagi, but I'm fine," Mariah reassured Usagi.

Mariah feels pain from her thigh, and makes her eye twitch.

Misaki's scepter makes Misaki fly to Angel-kun.

The little boy touches the scepter, the energy from it turns to a big spring that trap the creature, Usagi and Mariah flies down to Angel-kun.

Mariah hugs me, and says "I give the power of light that lives inside Misaki, return back to normal.

Mariah's eyes glow purple, Misaki, and the little boy's magic goes into Mariah's pitchfork, and enters my heart.

The creature slowly breaks the the giant spring break.

The creature slowly open,Mariah smiles, at that time, the spring break.

The creature sends a giant beam of fire towards me, which shocks everybody.

But, I turned into a 9-year-old boy wearing a school uniform, while playing a flute, which creates a force shield.

The shield goes down, the creature sees me, and says "No!"

The creature sends a bunch of small beams of energy towards us.

I hit a high note, making a blue aura forming a giant heart with wings, that destroys the beams, making the creature more anger.

I raised my flute into the air, with a giant ball of light is coming, I said "I've had enough".

The large ball of light hits the creature.

The creature turns to a kitten with porcine skin, and wings.

"Awww!" Mariah and I exclaimed.

"What happened?" asked Misaki.

I picked up the kitten, petting it carefully, making it purr.

But, when Usagi,Misaki, and Mariah get near me, it hissed.

"Whoa! It doesn't like us," Mariah figures out.

"So, that's why it attacked us, it was jealous", Misaki figured out.

"I can relate", Usagi and Mariah agreed with each other.

"But, what are we going to do with it, if reacts like that?" asked Mariah.

I kissed the pet on the head, putting him to sleep, and says "I'll deal with that later".

I turned to Misaki, and says "I have to deal with something else".

Misaki looks at me, trying to figure what I'm thinking.

"I have my memory back, which means", I said, walking of kind close to Misaki.

I jumped to Misaki, says "Misaki!", and ends up hugging Misaki, who holds onto me; to make I don't fall.

"I love you, Misaki", I said, then gives him a bunch of kisses on his cheek.

Usagi clears his throat.

I stop kissing Misaki, turns to Usagi, and says "Sorry, I got carried away".

"It's okay, I didn't mind", Misaki blushed.

I smiled, started cuddling him, and says "Misaki! You're so. so. so. cute! blushing and all".

"Uh... Angel-kun", said Misaki, embarrassed.

"Angel-kun, so you don't recognize this creature?" asked Usagi.

"Unfortunate no, but my magic will make sure, you don't have to worry about him", I reassured Misaki and Usagi.

"Great, now. haven't you given Misaki, enough cuddles", Usagi stated.

I looked at Misaki all red, so I let him go, and says "Next time, tell me, that you are uncomfortable".

Sorry, got to cut off restof

The screen shows my playing my flute, and Mariah spreading lightning through the sky mixing with my music parts, that creates a portal taking Misaki and Usagi away.

The screen shows Usagi's house.

"You're leaving so soon?" asked Misaki, disappointed.

"Of course not, we just need to visit a place, first", I said, with a lovely smile.

We entered the hotel, where we are welcomed by Arisu and Chiasa.

"Ma-kun! Angel-kun! You're back", exclaimed Arisu and Chiasa.

"Arisu, Chiasa, it's good to see you too", I smiled.

"Yeah, how is Misaki and Usagi?" asked Arisu.

"Their great, how's business here?" wondered Mariah.

"Fantastic, ever since people figured Usami Ahkiko was here, business has been booming,'' answered Chiasa.

That's when we hear the door open, which made Arisu go to the door, with a smile, and says "Welcome to Hotel Love".

Chiasa, Mariah, and I walk behind him.

"My. My. My. It's Umeji", said Ijuuin.

I looked at him, and says "Mr. Ijuuin!"

"What a coincidence", Ijuuin smiled.

I was about to ask him why he's here, when Mariah and I seeing Kyō Ijuuin with Shinnosuke Tōdō holding hands.

Mariah and I smiled.

"Could it be?" asked Mariah.

"It seems possible,'' I said.

"There's only one way to know for sure,'' said Mariah.

"Huh?" questioned Aria and Chie and Aria.

"There's only one way to find out,'' said Mariah.

So, Mariah and I touched Todo and Ijuuin's head, when we see the same vision of Todo and Ijuuin outside.

"Todo, I've wondered if you would go out with me," Ijuuin asks Todo, directly.

"M...me", stuttered Todo.

"Yeah! I've seen how you admired me and think we would make the perfect match," said Ijuuin.

"But, Misaki is an admirer yours as well," said Todo.

"Misaki has somebody already," Ijuuin sighs. "So, what do you say?"

"I… I'd love to go out with you," said Todo, finding it hard to say 'no'.

Ijuuin smiles.

The flashback ends.

After the vision, Mariah and I look at Todo and Ijuuin with fangirl eyes.

"Uh… are they okay?" wondered Todo.

Arisu and Chie look at us.

"Their fine, just seeing visions," Arisu figured out.

"Nope," I disagreed.

"Vision over," said Mariah.

"Huh?" asked Chiasa.

I shake off the fangirl eyes, looks serious, and says "Mr. Ijuuin, may I spare your time?"

Ijuuin smiles, and says "Of course, I need to talk to you,"

We walked out the door of the hotel.

Mariah smiles,then she realized something, so she makes her pitchfork appear and makes a chalkboard appear.

Mariah puts pictures of athena people we know in Junjou Romantica and the people they are paired with and the ones alone.

"What are you analyzing?" asked Chiasa, curious.

"Couples, me and Angel-kun have met many, since we got here and I'm trying to figure out the people that aren't matched, that could go together," Mariah explained.

"Isn't it better to let those people figure out for themselves?" asked Todo.

Mariah smiles at him, and says "Oh no, I'm not forcing them, I'm getting them to meet each other and if doesn't work, it didn't work".

"Really? What about me and Ijuuin?" asked Todo.

"Let me ask you did you expect him to ask you out," Mariah asks, while pointing a ruler at Todo.

"No… I mean I do admire him,but I never expected he asked me out," replied Todo.

"Don't tell is it because you are both boys," guessed Mariah.

"It's not even that, I thought he already had somebody with how he's so popular," Todo admitted.

"Even the most popular boy, might be alone, it only takes a few words to make that person admit it," Mariah spoke wisely.

Todo sighed.

"By the way, Todo, did you not get the news?" wondered Mariah.

"News? You mean about Misaki having a lover?" Todo guessed.

"Not only that, but they are married," Mariah put both hands on her heart.

"Married. Now that I think about it, we haven't talked in a while, since he told me about meeting two new friends that are an angel and a devil," Todo remembered.

"I didn't expect to meet you," said Todo.

"It's understandable, by the way it's Yoneno Norihisa, but most people call me Ma-kun," Mariah introduces herself.

"Pleasure, but the way, can you really read people's minds?" Todo shaked Mariah's hand.

"Why yes, I can and I see that your date will go great," said Mariah.

Todo is still worried.

Outside, Ijuuin and I are talking.

"You want me to help you and Todo have a nice date," I asked.

"Yes, I hear that your good at matching people up, and I would really appreciate it," said Ijuuin.

"I'm glad, you feel that way, thank you," I smiled.

Ijuuin smiles back,then walks back into the hotel.

"But, is he really over Misaki, I know he probably heard the news, but I still find it hard. That he would move on so fast," I thought, as I followed him back into the hotel.

Then, I stopped by Mariah's chalkboard.

Mariah notice this, touch my head, and whispers "What's wrong?"

"Ijuuin's feelings toward Todo, I can't tell if their real or a replacement for his feelings toward Misaki," I admitted in a whisper.

We looked at Todo and Ijuuin holding hands walking upstairs, following Chiasa and Arisu.

"Before their date," said Mariah.

"We need to test them on the wheel of faith," I said.

Then, we laughed evilly.

Upstairs, as Ijuuin opens the door to him and Todo's room, a gust of wind takes them both in, and closes the door behind them, but Arisu and Chiasa went into the other hallway, so they didn't see.

The screen shows a bunch of papers, magazines, and books all on the floor, Ijuuin notice where he is.

Next chapter