
chapter 1

The story shows me wearing a pink shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes looking at the TV, when I notice a book on my head.

I turned around to see Mariah who has a smile on her face, wearing a pink dress, and says "Watching Cartoons again".

"Mariah! What are you doing here?" I wondered, looking up at her.

"Well, my piano lessons are over, so I wanted to show you a manga that my other piano friends were talking about", said Mariah.

I picked the book from off my head, look at it, and asks "Really? What's it about?"

"Three different couple's, all men falling in love fast and being judged easily and running into their previous Lovers or family", Mariah explained. "The main couple is Misaki and Usagi, a college student and an manga author".

"So, it's a yaoi manga", I figured out.

"Yeah! So, you want to read it together, please!" Mariah smiled, getting close to me.

Mariah while looking at me, gives me the puppy dog eyes.

I sighed, and says "Fine, just let me take off my watch".

"Okay", Mariah nodded in agreement.

While I was unhooking my watch, Mariah noticed she had two other manga books, which she accidentally drops on the bed next to the other manga, once I took off my watch it started glowing

My watch brings a line of purple auras making the three books fly in the air, then the aura makes Mariah and I fly, the books open bring a bright light; which sucks us in.

At the end, the books turn into one, the title says 'Couple Crossover's.

Through the portal, Mariah and I changing into manga characters.

"This feels weird", Mariah stated.

"Uh! You get used to it", I shrugged.

After this, we slowly evaporate, until we notice we're in the sky, and are falling.

"Hurry! Kanisha. Your wings", Mariah cried, looking at the ground.

"Got it", I said.

I touched my watch that changed into a flute, after playing the flute, beautiful white wings appeared behind me; I grabbed Mariah's hand, she gets on my back.

"Where are we?" I asked Mariah.

Mariah looks around to see familiar streets, buildings, and finally figured it out.

"We're in Tokyo!" exclaimed Mariah, with glitter in her eyes.

"Really? But, what universe", I asked Mariah.

"You can tell by your appearance", Mariah whispered in my ear.

"My appearance?" I questioned.

I look at myself to see my hair is short, yet long, i'm wearing a brown shirt, black pants, and white , I see under my shirt.

"I'm...I'm...I'm a guy!" I gasped.

"Bingo! And me as well", Mariah pointed out.

I looked at her, noticing she has short hair too, wearing a white shirt, long black jacket, black pants, and blue shoes and feels her chest.

"We're in that first manga, you showed me, but I don't remember the name", I figured out.

"Junjo Romantica, let's land there please", Mariah asks recognizing a house.

I dived through the woods, notice the beautiful sky, then I saw a big house and next to it is a red sports car.

We landed safely on the ground, I have Mariah in my arms with my wings still spread out, when I notice two men walking together out of the house.

The man in front of him has dark gray hair, wearing white shirt with long sleeves, dark blue vest, yellow tie, blue pants, and black shoes.

"Who is that?" I asked in a whisper.

"Akihiko Usami, a.k.a. Usagi", Mariah answered in a whispered.

Behind Usagi is a man who has light skin, dark brown hair which is a little messy, wearing a blue shirt, black pants, and white shoes.

"And he is Misaki Takahashi", Mariah tells me through my ear.

"What are they staring at?" I asked in my mind.

"Angel", said Usagi, pointing at me.

I looked behind me, and I saw I still have my wings.

"Are they real?" wondered Misaki.

Usagi felt them, and figured out, I flew away, blushing.

"Hey! Don't just touch my wings like that. Weirdo!" I complained to Usagi.

"You're the one, that showed up at my place", Usagi pointed out.

"That's how you treat visitors. How rude!" I stated.

"I'm sorry, he doesn't treat visitors well, nice to meet you, Mr. Angel", Misaki apologizes for Usagi.

"Nice to meet you too, Misaki and Mr. Usami", I greeted.

"Yeah! I'm glad I got to meet you", Mariah gleamed.

"You know us?" asked Misaki.

"Angels are supposed to know these things", I said, with a smile.

I flew down, putting Mariah down, walked up to Misaki, and whispered in his ear "Besides what's the harm in knowing somebody's name".

At that moment, Usagi got in-between Misaki and I.

"So, my feeling was right; sorry Misaki, I like to test emotions of lovers, I hope I didn't cause trouble", I told Misaki.

"No. Usagi is just too overprotective", Misaki tells me.

"Angel-kun! Why do you always do that, i'm sorry", Mariah called.

"Why did you come?" asked Usagi.

Before Mariah could say anything, I said "For fun".

"What do angels do?" Misaki wondered.

"Protect people and bring the presence of light everywhere", I answered as I flew in the sky.

While in the sky, I notice a symbol in the sky: a big heart with triangles circle around it, this made my eyes turn black and before I knew it, I was falling.

Mariah ran through the woods with passion, when she notice the symbol in the sky and recognizes it, what she didn't notice is Misaki and Usagi are behind her.

While i'm falling, I can't feel my own heart beat, my vision was blurred, but I notice two men in the park kissing, after that I hear people screaming, and finally I landed.

At that time, all my vision officially left my body, in-between that Mariah was searching all over, then she finally notice Misaki, Usagi, and a whole crowd behind her.

Mariah starts crying wanting to know where I am, that made the symbol in the sky grow.

The symbol grows, this causes Mariah pain.

"Are you okay?" asked Misaki.

"Kanisha...no...this...world is in trouble", Mariah struggled.

"Huh?" asked the people behind her.

Usagi picks Mariah up.

"Excuse me, did anybody see something fall out of the sky?" Misaki asked the people around him.

One pointed to the park, Misaki heads to it, turns around, and says "Usagi, take her to the house, I'll meet you there".

Hesitant at first, Usagi takes Mariah, and heads home in his car.

While I was unconscious I was carried intro a car similar to Mariah, the crowd gasp at this.

Once Misaki gets there the crowd tells him, that two people took me away in a car.

Misaki immediately knew who that person is.

At Usagi's place, Usagi is looking at Mariah sleeping on the couch.

"An angel? The symbol in the sky", Usagi thought.

Usagi looks outside, wondering about Misaki.

At the end of the chapter, two shadows is shown hovered over me, who's laying in a bed.

Next chapter