
Why Is It You? (1)

She sat there and waited with her husband, her three uncles and Xi Qian in the waiting room. Su Xiaofei shut her eyes and hoped that the surgery would be successful. Whoever the donor was, they had given her mother a chance to live and spend more time with her.

'Please let her be okay.' She prayed in her heart. 'Please give my mother back to me.'

Su Xiaofei started to feel restless a few minutes after the doors to the operating room were shut, the red light flashing, indicating that the surgery was ongoing. She was never great at being on the side lines and waiting.

At least now, she didn't feel alone with her family being here to be her anchor at her lowest point in her life. In her previous life, she was only allowed to see her mother after the funeral. Su Xiaofei had never truly felt alone until that moment.

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