
Returning home

Alex and his parent had brought all their useful clothes like track pants and other gym clothes, along with casual wear. His mother wanted to being along her own dresses, but after a long time arguing with Alex, she gave up on that.

While his parents were still packing their stuff, Alex had already finished gathering all his needs and was now packing all the storable food in a bag, and he began eating some of the other stuff like fruits.

When his parents came out of their room, Alex told them to eat their fill as well, since Merlin had told them that it would be a long day.

Time slowly passed and everyone was full. Alex tried storing as much of the canned food items as he could, he also charged all his portable chargers and all electronics, before putting them all in a separate bag.

Soon, the group of three could hear vehicles closing in to their house. Thinking it was Merlin, the group quickly rushed to the door, only to find some men in armour walking towards the door. Alex was frightened for a brief moment, but he soon recovered and told his parents to take all the bags and go to the basement.

Following his parents, Alex picked up the remaining two bags and ran towards the basement. He could hear the people trying to break open the door. The only safe place in the entire house was the basement, and no one wold be able to get in unless they had the key, or had enough explosives to blow up the house.

He soon found the metal door in the corridor and scanned his thumb print and entered the code. Soon, the door slowly opened. Just as he was about to enter, Alex remembered those police shows where they could find the combination of something by finding fingerprints.

So he carefully threw his bags inside, before bringing some cleaning solution and whipping the keypad and thumb scanner clean. He then rank in and closed the door. As soon as he did that, he heard the door being broken and footsteps walking around the house.

His heart was beating extremely fast as one of the footsteps stopped right outside the basement door. He could hear the man putting in codes, and Alex was praying that the man wouldn't guess the code. After some failed attempts, the man gave up and walked away.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief and walked down the stairs to his worried parent. He then felt his phone ring. Thankfully it was on silent mode and didn't make much noise.


"Alex! Are you alright? Whose cars are outside your house. What happened. Are you parents fine?"

Hearing Merlin, Alex's nerves calmed down and he took a deep breath before replying.

"Yes we are all fine and we took all the stuff, you told us to pack, with us and we are now in the basement. Currently there are some people in armour, seemed to be made out of. Football pads and helmets. The broke into the house and are now searching the house."

"Okay. Just wait in the basement and don't make any noise. I'm coming in."

With this, Merlin cut the call and told his men to surround all points of exit and to look out for zombies and kill them in the most silent way possible, but guns are allowed in extreme situations. He also told them to kill anyone other than an old man and woman, and a frail and pale kid, similar to his own age.

With this, he picked up his trusted metal rod, only this time it was made of a stronger metal, since the precious ones were all broken in the zombies flood. He rushed into the house with all his speed and found one dud waiting at the door. He swung his rod with enough force to knock the dud out, even through his helmet.

"Sean and the ones with him, follow me and pick up all the knocked out people and tie them up."

"Yes sir"

With this, Merlin rushed into the house and began to knocking out every living soul in the house.

Soon, Jon had a total of 11 people tied up and stripped of their armour, which was stored into one of the trucks.

"Sean, keep an eye on them, and kill anyone who tries to escape."

Jon ran into the house once more and began opening the door to the basement. But before he completely opened it, he screamed loud enough for the voice to enter the basement and not echo in the surroundings.

"It's me Merlin."

With this, Alex and his parents let their guard down slightly, but no one still made a sound.

The door soon opened, to reveal Merlin in new all black clothes.

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