
Episode 27: Start of conquering Azaaroth!

They thought, 'Sir if there is no more task then can we go and get the cappuccino you want to drink with a muffin?

In response, the evil Ceo Feng Mei thought: 'No man, there are still eight hundred workers in this office. Go ask them all that they want to drink and eat, and then you can go to Starbucks to complete your task.'

Feng opened his mouth and commanded once again.

"During the task, You guys... I mean ghosts will be killing a lot while. There will be a lot of bloodsheds. So yeah, Send to me all the blood that you can get while annihilating the different races." Saying that Feng lifted his hand.

A huge blood spell matrix opened up in the skies. Then crystallized blood seal rained down from the spell matrix. There were a total of 778 blood seals. One was handed over to Theone. The rest were handed out to the 777 tormented souls, each getting a blood seal.

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