

Ryan looked around and found the door that will lead them to the basement of the mansion. The group of them prepared themselves and opened the door to the basement.

The entrance before them was pitch dark. Not a single thing was visible before them. Ryan was about to take his first step when the small ghost stopped him.

"Wait master, before you go fire an energy ball in that darkness."

"Okay…. But why?" asked Nagisa. Till then she wasn't believing the small ghost completely and was suspicious about his every move.

"Cough, the thing is," said the small ghost and stopped at that.

"The thing is….?"

"The thing is I have set free some deadly spiders inside. And they can make invisible waves in tons over an hour…. So it will be better if you burn them first then descend."

"Oh, ok," said Ryan and shot a small fireball towards the basement.


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