
Good News

When Shun returned home from his day out with Aomine and Satsuki, his parents were already at home.

When he entered his home, Shun saw that his parents were cuddling with their eyes close on the couch.

Shun: 'It seems they didn't hear the door. Let's mess with them.'

Shun silently took out his phone, opened the camera app, and took a photo of them.

Phone: *Click*

Shun's parents, who heard the noise were startled and opened their eyes. They saw their son standing near them with his phone's camera pointed towards them.

They immediately separated from each other and cleared their throats. Their faces were flushed, and they were feeling flustered.

Shun: "You guys look like you are having fun."

Shun's parents weren't able to meet eyes with their son.

Mom: "S-Shun, when did you return home? Welcome back."

Shun smiled and greeted his mother.

Shun: "I just returned. Today I went out with Satsuki-chan and Aomine-kun."

Shun's father saw that as a way out of the current conversation.

Dad: "Is that so. What did you guys do?"

Shun knew what his father was trying to do.

Shun: "We went to karaoke, had lunch, went window shopping, and played at the batting center."

Dad: "Oh, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun."

Shun sat on the couch in front of his parents and smiled.

Shun: "Yeah, it was a fun day. What about you guys, why were you all cuddly."

Then a thought hit Shun right in the center of his brain, his eyes brightened, and a big smile appeared on his face.

Shun's parents were confused when they saw the expression on his face, but before they could ask, Shun blurted out.

Shun: "Mom! Are you pregnant? Am I getting a sibling?

Oh my god, I am so excited, how long have you guys known? Why didn't you guys tell me you were trying to have a baby?

Wait, was it because I am a child that you didn't tell me? Well, I forgive you.

This is all so exciting. I will finally get a younger sibling. I wish it would be a girl."

Shun got up from the couch and started to pace across the room while spewing out more things about babies, pregnancy, and his plans for the new baby.

Shun's mother couldn't take any more of the baby talk and stopped Shun.

Mom: "Shun, Stop! We are not having a baby."

Shun felt his dreams and hopes shatter with that one sentence. He felt his knees go weak, and he collapsed on to the couch.

Shun looked at the ceiling and bellowed.

Shun: "No!!!!"

Shun was not messing with his parents. He really thought that they were having a baby. He got so sure of the idea that he didn't consider that it might be something else, and that made Shun more devastated when his mother said otherwise.

It took some time for Shun to recover from the shock that he suffered.

Shun cleared his throat and said.

Shun: "Sorry, you both had to see that. You both know how I get when it comes to a younger sibling."

Shun's parents nodded. Shun had tried many things when it came to making them have another baby from bribing to coercing, he had used every trick in the book to make them have a baby, but Shun's parents had successfully avoided every attempt.

Shun sighed and asked his parents weakly,

Shun: "So, you never told me why were you cuddling in the middle of the day."

Shun's mom's eyes brightened, and she spoke with happiness showing in her voice.

Mom: "Your father signed an exclusive contract with the Yomiuri Giants of the Nippon Professional Baseball League."

[A/N - 1: Nippon Professional Baseball League is the Japenese version of MLB(Major League Baseball).]

Shun's eyes widened to the limit.

Shun: "An exclusive contract with a professional baseball team!"

Baseball was huge in Japan; baseball was the most played sport in Japan. Koshien, the high school baseball tournament, was at the level of a festival in Japan.

So, you could imagine what level the most popular professional baseball league would be.

Even in the world of Kuroko No Basket, baseball was so huge that the most popular Japanese baseball player Suzuki Ichirō was mentioned by name.

[A/N: In basketball terms, Suzuki Ichiro was the Best Offensive Player for ten consecutive years, rookie of the year, and the MVP in his rookie year for the MLB (Major League Baseball).]

And, the Yomiuri Giants, was one of the three teams based in Tokyo and the front runner in the league, an exclusive contract with such a team was basketball equivalent of signing a deal with the Los Angeles Lakers or Golden State Warriors.

Dad: "My clinic will now handle all of the Yomiuri Giants player's physical health. The Yomiuri Giants are now our biggest client."

Shun hugged his father in congratulation.

Shun: "This is a great step up from the clinic, and this contract is in itself a great advertisement."

Shun's father nodded.

Dad: "With professional baseball players attending our clinic, we can now draw in more professionals from different sports."

The Kageyama family decided to go have dinner outside.

Mom: "I will allow it today. This is a big deal for your father and his clinic."

Because of Shun's mother being a nutritionist the household only went out for lunch, she didn't want the family to be eating high-calorie food as the last meal before sleep, that was what made fat build up in the body.

Shun got up to have a glass of water but not before teasing them one last time.

Shun: "Well, this is great and all, but I would have preferred if you had just told me that you were having a baby.

And, don't worry about the photo it is a good one, I will frame it and give it to you as a present on your marriage anniversary."

Shun exited the room humming, while his parent stammered in their seats, speechless at their son.

Another One...

Some family time.

No, they won't be moving away or something.

It was just an idea that I had in my mind, that I wrote down.

I am really leaning into the teasing Shun.

Tell me what should I write for slice of life before I return to writing basketball. (I need to write some more before I move on to writing basketball again.)

Just as always,

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