
The First Enhancement (part 2)

"HEY!! What the fuck K.C, this is the best DNA for me. It provides strength and tough skin resistant to common weapons, what else do we need"

"Nope. I am overwriting your decision. I already read the specs of your weapon and that low level welp is a waste of half your weapons capabilities, especially mine"

Sly was speechless but his body wouldn't respond to his command and before he knew it, he was standing in front of a picture depicting an Argonian he had never seen before. The image was not in any of the books provided by the school and with good reason, the purpose of the school was to train the new cadets in combat and to provide information of common monsters native to Planet Alpha before they were taken to a real battlefield.

The picture on the virtual wall had an image of a tiny ghostly monster that seemed to move in and out of existence. It had small horns that seem to curve backwards and a giant mouth with huge razor sharp teeth. There was no indication of eyes on the creature and compared to his body, it had a massive reptilian tail. In the ghostly form had black smoke coming out of its translucent body but in his physical form it was an albino.

Ghostly Behemoth (Youngling).

Place of Origin: Icarus (4 star planet) Destroyed overnight. Cause of Destruction (Undetermined). Alliance and Argonians dead count 2 billion.

Sample Collected: Bone Marrow and Energy Core.

It was all the information available to K.C that was downloaded from the Mother AI. It was the only creature with a mysterious background, all the other creatures were from planets that were still at war and plenty of information regarding the enhancements and other characteristics were available for them.

Sly looked at the tiny creature and fought K.C with his will power every step of the way while the maniacal laughter of his chip reverberated in his ear.

"HA .. HA… HA… If you want to do something, better ask if I, your mother would allow it".



The rest of the pictures went away and only the one for the Youngling stayed.

In the real world, machines moved Sly to a special tank full of liquid similar to the amniotic fluid during pregnancy to begin his Enhancement while his Nanotrons were taken out of his body and into the weapon construction area where they were to receive the updated with the designs of Sly's weapon, code name: the Reaper.

A machine with a giant needle full of a solution to help the stem cells move from the bone marrow and into the bloodstream was given and then an intravenous line was established to withdraw Sly's blood and sent it to a machine where it was analyzed, his cells separated and then fused together in the most stable way with the Ghostly Behemoth's before being returned to his body.

The process was very slow since the machines needed to find the right way to mesh the two DNA together and then allow for the body to change little by little.

Sly, on the other hand, was having an epic adventure in the wilderness of the Alpha Planet via a virtual reality simulation that was so real that he forgot he was still in the facility.

The simulation started the moment he chose his first enhancement and the nanotrons finished recreating it's evolutionary weapon. It was a dream within a dream, the moment the weapon was in his hands, he woke up in the dentist chair.


ID Number: 3965742 please proceed to the landing pad for the final portion of the enhancement. Specimen's DNA is not available at this facility.

Sly moved to the designated area and boarded a plane in a very relaxed manner. He was in the hands of the military and as far as he knew, there had never been an accident. He was even able to catch some zzz during the flight but his sleep was interrupted by a loud sound.

"Mayday … Mayday … we've been hit . I repeat, we have been hit 1000 miles east of the city of Hope… send back up immediately."

Sly's woke up to the turbulence and his face lost all color, he became extremely pale the moment he heard the pilot call for help and felt the aircraft jerk uncontrollably.

Everything was happening extremely fast and when he saw the pilot ejected from the cockpit, he almost shit his pants.



Sly felt an electric shock pass through his system before he heard his trusty assistant.

"Come down Sly! aren't I a super chip" said K.C

If K.C had hands she would have slapped him to help him regain his bearings.

Sly wasn't convinced but he still listened to what his chip had to say.

"Judging by the speed and the terrain, you won't die in the crash, just strap yourself on the seat opposite to the window and hold the fuck on Cowboy"

"Where you get that stuff from…"

"From the human history database. Something called movies from a thousand years ago. You guys really know how to have fun"


Sly knowledge of Planet Earth was almost non-existent, he moved to Planet Alpha when he was only five years old and it was from a different planet where his parents had died on a battlefield. Needless to say, he didn't know much about Earth's culture let alone the forms of entertainment, all he could remember were the combat simulations and the study of the Argonian race provided to him by the government.

The plane spun out of control and before it crashed into some trees that cushioned the fall, the safety system of the plane was activated.


Foam filled Sly's compartment and prevented him from contacting hard surfaces during the impact and hurting himself.



Crack ...Thud.

The branches of many trees were broken as the aircraft descended and finally it hit the ground with a muffled sound.

"That was scary". Said Sly while removing the seat belt and standing up with wobbly legs.

"I told you, didn't I"

"Yeah… yeah"

Sly stepped out of the plane still trying to regain his full faculties but the sound of something pretty heavy moving in his direction caught his and his chip's attention.

K.C immediately sent a signal to the Nanotrons which responded positively by taking the form of a weapon which laid comfortably in Sly's hand.

The weapon was a double sided scythe made completely out of metal with grooves along the handle and the blade that were designed to conduct energy. The grooves originated from a compartment at the tang of the scythe where the core of an Argonian was supposed to be. The weapon ended with a spike at the back of the heel that could penetrate even rock and looked extremely threatening on both sides.

Sly looked down and was admiring the weapon in his hands, when the sound he was previously paying attention to seemed to disappear some distance away from him.

A one start Argonian Soldier stood 50 feet away, It had Razor sharp teeth and a body that stood 8 ft tall, each and everyone of the 4 fingers in its hands had nails capable of going through steel armor. The Argonian stood on 2 legs and his skin looked like it had scales that seem impossible to lacerate with a sharp edge.

The Argonian breathed heavily while looking at his prey…. Huff...Huff

Sly lifted his head and a stream of data floated in front of his eyes from the scan his chip K.C was performing.

Name: Draco (Argonian Soldier - Common)

Weight: 500 lbs

Height : 7.9 ft

Difficulty Rating: 4 Star

Special Abilities: Can increase his strength as well as the toughness of his skin.

Close Combat Fighter that uses his claws to rip through armor and loves to eat the head of his victims.

"Is that a Common Argonian Soldier? Fuck that shit... Oh the smell is so bad, I am about to puke… What should I do K.C"

RAWR….Thump... Thump

The Argonian charged at Sly very slowly at first but as momentum built up, 50 ft were crossed in a matter of seconds and the last 10 ft were cleared in a flash by the creature that launched itself into the air with jaws wide open trying to eat his prey's face.

The scene definitely hypnotized Sly that stood in place watching it all happened, it was almost like he was watching a movie but thanks to KC telling the Nanotrons to zap him, he was able to throw himself to the side much like the way somebody will try to avoid a Semi-truck.

Sly dropped his weapon in the process and the 500 lb Argonian landed on top of the tip which pierced the bottom of its feet infuriating it even more.


Sly expected to see the broken pieces of the Scythe on the floor, but green blood started bursting out of the sole of the creature's feet. He even saw 2 flaps with one toe each separating, as the curve of the blade cut through, in between the toes and landed on the ground.

Sly stood up and quickly realized he was toasted, he had just managed to evade the attack by a very short margin and he was a mere 5 ft from the Argonian that swiped his claws in his direction ripping skin from bone across his chest.


The pain was excruciating and just the image of his rib cage sticking out made him blackout for a second before he came back to see a hand grabbed him by the neck and then … Chomp"


Sly opened his eyes and he was back in the military facility resting on a bed and there were still a bunch of connections attached to him. Sly immediately checked his chest for the wounds he received but quickly realized he was back in the real world and that the previous experience was a simulation. Around the room, the many screens show a realistic image of a Draco eating on a corpse while in the middle of the screen said TERMINATED.

"I hate to say it but you really suck!" KC chimed in.

"TU... RU... RU Congratulations ID Number: 3965742, you are now a Novice Hunter. Please make sure to kill two Soldier level Argonians within 2 months to keep your status and government benefits. The Enhancement you chose has been implanted successfully and your new abilities should be appearing within the next month. Since it is a new species, your chip is required to send all the information acquired to the government."

"Your new weapon is waiting for you in the room at the end of the hall, make us proud. Instructions on the evolution of the weapon and DNA enhancement is also available to be downloaded once you carry out the proper procedures, please move to the Armament room".

Sly's smile went from ear to ear while he walked to the armament room and was too stoked to realize that the intercom voice told him that he had already chosen a weapon. Sly entered the room and there was a metal coffin about 7ft tall.

KC immediately recognized the metal on the coffin as the best of the best the Umdali race had to offer, Varanium. "You made it big man, now we can get the NZ 1900 if we sell that metal by the pound"

Sly's eyes lit up and walked towards the coffin with anticipation, the double side Scythe in the simulation was amazing and he couldn't wait to see what was in store this time. He still remembered the sharpness of the weapon and despite throwing it away, he fell in love with the look. If there was anything close to it inside the box, he could die a happy man.

It was not difficult for Sly to see that his chip and Nanotrons were special, the problem was that they were both so good that neither wanted the other to be the boss, thankfully, the problem was about to be fixed by the government once he opened the coffin. Long Range or Close Combat, according to K.C, his weapon could do both so there was no turning back, his helpers had to accept the outcome and cooperate.

Clank …. Clank

Sly waited with anticipation and what greeted him was even more amazing than what he had anticipated. Inside the coffin lay a magnificent …

Slightly curve…


Hello Guys!!

The Ghost Shepherd is moving to a new home! Ringdom's Android app or www.ringdomstory.com. if you liked the story so far and would like to find out what happens to Sly and K.C in their cosmic journey please join us there. Thank you for your comments and kind reviews.

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