
29 : Rescue

{ Felix's POV }


I shouted when I saw Greg almost been shot.

I grabbed my katana and prepared to attack those people.

" Show yourselves! "

I announced but no one answered.

Then Shino jumped and catched him.

" Greg are you alright? "

Shino asked him.

" Y-yes I think so. "

He replied and we went downstairs.

* This place is very silent. No infecteds I guess. *

" How many bullets have you got? "

I asked Shino and he checked it.

" This'll do. Don't worry about it. "

He said and hid it behind his back.

I opened the bag and checked if the thing that they want were still there.

* Good. We'll be dead if this thing would become missing. *

" Are we there yet? "

Greg asked.

" No, but we're almost there. Don't worry, you can rest there. "

I said and tapped his back.

We went outside the building and saw a lot of people pointing gun at us.

" Surrender yourselves! You're outnumbered. "

One of them announced.

* We really are....please don't do anything wrong Shino... *

Then I saw Greg went towards them with a bat on his hand.

He swung it right at the man's head and a lot of blood popped out.

" NO! "

I shouted but the man aimed and pulled his trigger at Greg.

* Fucking....hell... *

" What the hell have you done?! "

Shino said and pointed his gun at them.


I asked them.

" We're here to rescue some guys up. One of them is Felix. "

The man answered.


I said.

" But your pet killed one of our man. It's a payment. "

One of them said.

" The hell? What's wrong with your head? "

Shino said and went to Greg.

" I can hear his heartbeat. He's still alive. "

Shino added and ripped his jacket.

He pressed it down to Greg's wound and carried him.

" Don't fuck with us or I'll kill you all. "

Shino said while staring at them.

The others went in their car and one of them was left behind.

He went towards me.

" My name's Tobi. I'm sorry for what happened at your friend. Hop in the car and we'll be there in a few minutes. "

He said and pointed at the car.

* This one's not like them. *

I opened the door for Shino and he hopped in while carrying Greg.

He closed it and I went in the front seat.

" So Tobi, is my friend in your base? "

I asked him.

" No clue pal. We left our base earlier before Sam went to look for something important. "

He answered.

* Sam? Is he the one Chris was talking about...? Probably not, there's a lot of Sam out there plus her name's Samantha. *

" Felix....Greg won't probably make it... "

Shino said and kept on holding Greg's wound.

" Tobi, can you drive faster? Please do everything to reach there quickly. "

I said.

" I think I could...but it's dangerous. "

He replied.

" Do anything. I'll shoot the infecteds down. "

I said.

" Alright, grab that gun below that seat. "

Tobi said and pointed at Shino's place.

" Will do. "

I said and looked for it.

* Not here....there! *

I grabbed and went back at the front seat.

" This is gorgeous. "

I whispered and checked the ammos.

* Loaded. *

" Yes it really is. I call her Wendy. "

Tobi said and laughed.

" Thanks for being kind to us bud. "

I smiled and opened the window.

* Greg, please endure the pain...I don't want anyone to die anymore. *

" Fucking hell! Bunchers! "

Tobi announced.

" What? Bunchers? "

I asked him and looked at the road.

" A load of infecteds! "

He answered.

I aimed at them and starts shooting them.

* Sweet dreams. *

I kept shooting them until I ran out of ammo.

There were still some of them so I grabbed my katana and sliced them all.

" You're skilled! "

Tobi said and he kept driving.

" Not really. I just practiced while traveling here. "

I explained and closed the window.

I checked Greg and he became pale.

" Please bare with us Greg.... "

Shino whispered and kept pressing it.

" We're almost there...don't worry. "

Tobi said.

After a few minutes, we stopped in a huge building.

" Don't stop now. Greg's life is in the line. "

I said.

" No. "

Tobi said.

" No? What do you mean? "

Shino asked him.

" We're here. Get him out and rush him inside. Shila is probably inside, look for her. She's one of the best medics in there. "

He explained and I went outside.

Shino opened the door and I carried Greg.

" You can rest. I'll carry him. "

I said and went inside.

" Hey where is Shila? "

Shino asked a tall man.

" Hm? She's inside that room. "

He pointed at the other corner.

" Thanks. ".

I said and we rushed to go inside.

" Are you Shila? "

Shino asked a girl.

" Yes? What do you need? "

She asked.

I placed him at the table.

" Please don't let him die...do everything. "

I said and grabbed her hand.

She smiled.

" Of course. That's my job. "

She said and grab some tools at the drawer.

" You might go outside. I don't need any audience here. "

She announced and we opened the door.

" Just hope that he'll be fine. "

I said to Shino and tapped his back.

" Yes. You're right. "

He said and sat at the corner.

" I'll wait for him here. You can go find Chris. "

Shino said.

" Don't go anywhere. I'll come back here after I find Chris. "

I replied and went to look for him.

* Hmm. Where can I find you. *

I saw someone sitting at the side.

" Hey, do you know someone named- "

I was about to ask him.

" No. Go away. "

He said and showed me a handgun.

Someone pulled me away from him.

" Shush! Don't talk with him. He might kill you if he gets annoyed. That's Raymond. "

Tobi whispered.

" Wh- why? "

I asked him.

" He's been like that since Samantha became the leader. He became depressed and violent after Bill died. "

Tobi explained.

" Why? Who's Bill? "

I asked Tobi.

" Bill was Raymond's best friend. He accuses Sam that she killed her while they were on a mission. "

He said.

" Understood.. "

I said and went at the other side.

" Hey, my name's Felix. Do you know someone called Chris? "

I asked an old man.

" Hm? Don't think so. "

He replied.

" Thank you pops. "

I said and went to ask someone else.

" Chris huh? Well he's been here but he went missing. "

A man said and he closed his eyes.

" But do you- "

I said but he pushed me away.

" Sweet dreams. "

He whispered.

* Dammit. I won't know where he is if these people are like this. *

" I heard that you were looking for Chris huh? "

Next chapter