
Old Man and Lonely Young Wife

My neighborhood is composed mostly that of people who work, so I don't know many of the people. One day while I was doing my daily walk I saw a new family moving in a few blocks from my house. I stopped to chat and welcome them to the area.

The husband was a tall lanky fellow, about 6'2" tall with brown hair and brown eyes and weighing probably 170 pounds soaking wet. He was an average looking fellow, with thick eyeglasses. He introduced himself as Dwayne. With him was a young girl of about three years of age named Frieda. A cute little thing, also brown hair and eyes. As we were talking, a very pregnant young woman came out with a telephone, telling him it for him. He introduced her as his wife Amanda. She was very quiet, did say the baby was due in two weeks and this was not the ideal time to move. Amanda was about 5'4" tall, and probably minus the baby would weigh 125 pounds. She was cute in folksy sort of way, and had a nice smile and good teeth. We talked a few minutes and I told them where I lived and that if they needed anything to give me a call. I was always available.

I stopped by their house the next few days, taking some food that I had prepared. It seemed to be appreciated. Dwayne asked about my wife, and I explained that I was a bachelor. I think that since I was a good cook, they thought I was gay.

They baby arrived on time and Dwayne's parents (Halford and Helga) arrived to help out. He had to leave for a teaching/research assignment overseas for the whole summer and semester. The parents planned to stay for two weeks until Amana could recover from the childbirth.

Dwayne, his dad, and I were cooking out in the backyard the day before Dwayne was to leave when Dwyane's dad asked about my sex life. He wanted to know if I had a "partner." I smiled and told him I was not gay, but that at my age the horse could not get out of the barn any more. He smiled and said he knew the feeling. Dwayne did not know what that meant, and his dad said, "he can't get a hardon anymore." Dwayne, "oh, that's too bad." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Amana and her mother-in-law listening to our conversation.

I would visit once or twice a week to talk mostly with Hal. Amana for the most part kept to herself and took are of the baby. The in-laws stayed with Amana for a month, then left. I would stop by and visit a few minutes each day to see if Amanda needed anything. I could tell the visit with her in-laws had taken a toll on her, but that was none of my business. She did look tired, and I offered to give her a break by watching the children a few hours while she took a nap, but she said she was o.k.

I was awakened by the telephone ringing at 230 a.m. When I answered, it was Amanda. She sounded distraught as she said "Bill, I'm sorry for calling you at this time of the morning, but I am going crazy. Baby Jackson has been crying for three hours and will not stop, and I don't know what to do. Could you please help me.?" I told her I would be there in ten minutes, as soon as I could throw a few clothes on. "Please hurry" she said, "I can't help him."

When I arrived at Amanda's house and walked up to the front door I could hear the baby crying. When Amana came to the door she looked worn-out and said "Bill, I am so glad you are here. I have no one else to call." "Its o.k.," I told her and walked and took the baby in my arms. He continued to cry, but I rubbed his back and neck. Then I told Amana to take a shower and go to bed because she needed some sleep. "Are you sure?" she asked. "I don't feel right abandoning you like this."

"Go on, get in the shower and try to relax. Everything will be o.k." Amana was hesitant but walked into her bedroom and in a few minutes I heard the shower turn on. The baby was still crying, but not with the intensity of before as the back rub was calming him some. After about 30 minutes Amana came back to the living room, dressed in a tee shirt. Once again I told her to get to bed. "o.k." she mumbled and slumbered back to her bedroom.

Within an hour the baby stopped crying and I put him in the crib in Amana's room. Amana was sound asleep, so I did not wake her.

It was now almost 430 a.m., so I thought I sit on the sofa for a little while just in case the baby began to cry again.

I dozed off did not wake up until phone range. I heard Amana answer it and say wrong number, and then she came into the living room, still wearing the tee shirt. I got up to greet her and she came over, and with a big smile, she reached out to hug me. "Bill, you saved my life earlier this morning—I was despairing about what I was going to do. You are the only person in this neighborhood that I feel comfortable with." Then she began to cry, I lean down to kiss away the tears, and to my surprise Amana moved her face to find my lips

and gave me firm kiss while pressing her body fully against mine.

"Bill, would you hold me for a while? I have been so lonely since Dwayne left. I just need someone to hug me, to keep me warm. Will you do that for me?"

I guided her to the bedroom and we lay on the bed side by side, Amana snuggled her cute little ass against my hardening cock. I gently nuzzled her ear with my lips and rubbed her full breasts with my hand. To my dismay, Amana soon was fast asleep, with my cock armed and ready to work, pressed against her wet pussy. I sighed and tried to sleep.

Baby Jackson's crying woke us up. Amana said, "I've got him. You stay there." She took care the baby then went to check on Frieda. "Still sound asleep. Jackson kept us awake so long yesterday with his crying, we are all worn out." Amana hopped back in bed and told me she felt much more rested now and once again moved over for me to wrap my arms around her.

We began to kiss passionately as our tongues twisted around each other. "This is so wrong, but it feels so good, why does Dwayne have to take these jobs way from home and leave me alone?" Amana mumbled as I moved my head down to kiss her tits.

"You better save some of that milk for Jackson, you old pervert"

I then continued my southward journey and Amana said, "whoa, are you aiming for where I think you are going. If so, you will be going where no tongue has ever been." That excited me even more as I kissed in her navel, then down the side of her inner thigh, and just brushed my lips over her still panty covered pussy.

"Hold on, I'll take those off" and she pulled her panties off. I kissed her thighs, down her legs and her knees.

Then started back up her thighs. She was breathing hard, and moving to try to get her pussy in line with my mouth. I kissed her mons, and she moaned, then I gave the clit a swift touch of my tongue and she gasped and grabbed my head and tried to hold it on her pussy. I began to lick and suck her clit, and push my tongue in her opening, she was bucking and moaning—I put a finger in her cunt to get it lubed and put it at the opening to her anal and began to push it into her ass.

"What are you doing�� she gasped and spread her legs a little more as I took my finger and got more pussy juice on it and pushed it into her ass as I sucked and licked her clit. This was all it took to push her over the top, she orgasmed with a gusto and then slumped limply into the bed.

"Oh my god, that was wonderful, Dwayne fucks and that's it. No concern for me. I cannot believe how good that felt. Bill, you are my prince. You have saved me in more ways than one. Come up here now."

We began to kiss and once again our tongues were tangled and my old cock, hurting because it had been hard so long without relief, was seeking out her slit. Feeling my hard cock, Amana said, "I thought you could not get a hardon—what is this I feel if it is not a hardon" and she crawled on top as I put my cock at her cunt hole, and she moved down, and finally my cock was getting the enjoyment it craved. Amana's pussy was warm and wet, and I began to move up and push my six inches into her hole. "I don't have a condom" I told Amana. "It's o.k. my period is due to start in a few days, so we should be fine." Finally, we got the rhythm and began to move in unison. Amana began to sweat and I asked if she wanted to change positions, and she said no, this is the first time she has ever been on top and she wants to enjoy it. I could feel the rush coming and knew I was about to come and then Amana began to moan "I'm cumming, god I'm cumming" and then I shot a load of seed deep into her waiting hole.

Exhausted, she dropped on me, and we lay there talking. She explained that she had been home-schooled and had not dated much when she went to college. Dwayne was a lab instructor and was the first man she had sex with, got her pregnant, so they got married. He was ten years older than Amana, and was dedicated to his job more than to his marriage it seemed.

Amanda's parents lived a thousand miles away and did plan to visit soon. She had an older sister who was married, but they were not emotionally close. So, for the most part, she was all alone in the world. She told me I was her best friend. With that Amana climbed back on me and said Jackson wants to share this with you and she put a tit in my mouth. I began to suck on it and then to my surprise Amana began to move upward, putting my face on her chest and stomach. I quickly got the idea and began to kiss her stomach and navel. Just as she placed her cum-laden pussy on my face Jackson started to cry. "Shit," she said, "we will continue this later, my friend."

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