
Chapter 4

Dad calls Mina.

Dad: Hi Mina it's Bill, hope u good?

Mina: I'm fine, your self?

Dad: I'm doing well. Sorry for what happened yesterday anyway. Hope u didn't show any sign of it when u got home?

Mina: I gave u my words. I didn't. But he was mad at me for taking the boy out without his notice. But I apologized and cautioned the boy not tell him about what happened. From now I'm gonna keep an eye on his movements.

Dad: Alright. I have your husband's Voter's πŸ†” card with me. How can u trick him to look for it?

Mina: Really? What's the name on it?

Dad: Louis Adepa. Is that his name?

Mina: of course!!

Wife walks in as Dad makes the call.

Wife : honey, can we have a word?

Dad: Pls let me finish this call.

Wife: Alright

Mina: That's my rival I guess. Hmmm

Dad: Well, she was the one. So as I was saying, what can u do to make your husband look for his πŸ†” card?

Mina: I really don't know but I'll be glad if u can send me your wife's picture on whatsapp. I wanna see if I know the face.

Dad: Well, I'll do so. I'll get back to u shortly OK. Bye.

Dad calls wife.

Wife: Who was on the phone?

Dad: A friend I met on my way to the mall.

Wife: A friend, So u ignored me because u were speaking to a friend? When did u start this honey.

Dad: I'm sorry dear, I didn't know u needed me so urgent. I'm here for u. Let's talk.

Wife: OK, I'm cool. I wanna go visit my mum and dad in the village and educate them a little on the pandemic and as well give them some foodstuffs. I think I'll get some farm produce from my dad's garden so we preserve as well.

Dad: That's not a bad idea. When do u intend going?

Wife: My junior brother the soldier said he will bring me a permit to show to the security personnel on my way, so if he brings it today I'll leave the day after tomorrow.

Dad: Well, u can go if he brings it. Are u going with Tilly?

Wife: Of course granny misses her.

Dad: For that I won't allow. I think u should go and come since u will return the following day. Just prepare something and keep in the fridge for us, we will stay behind so u go and come.

Just tell ur mum I didn't allow her to come with u because of the of the pandemic.

Wife: OK, if u say so.

Dad goes through his phone and sends a pic of his wife to Mina.

Mina: Thanks Bill. I don't think I've met this face before.

Dad: OK.

Mina: Anyway my husband told me yesterday that he will be visiting his parents. He said his dad needs him urgently and he wants to take the boy along. But I refused. He hasn't said anything about that yet. But he said he will leave tomorrow.

Dad: Really, how is he gonna drive through town?

Mina: well, he said he has sorted that already.

Dad: wow. My wife equally said same story but she said she will leave a day after tomorrow.

Mina: For real, where does he parents reside?

Dad: Prampram

Mina: Huh😳, my husband's parents are in New Ningo, not far from Prampram.

Dad: Really?!

Mina: Yes.

Dad : well I have plan.

Mina: Tell me!

Dad: U give me ur husband's car registration number, I have a police friend I'd employ to track him for me.

Which guest house do u think is conducive that he may book?

Mina: GT 501-17 A. He drives a charcoal black ford escape. He only has one guest house he goes, it's called Micah's Villa at the outskirts of New Ningo on the Prampram road.

Dad : OK. I'll give u updates just in case OK. Chat u another time. I still have ur word. Don't show signs of anything kk.

Mina: Kk Bill. Thanks

*Season 5*...

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