
Weapon overlord

Author: Boltbit77
Ongoing · 7.6K Views
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Leo has been reading light novels for a long time. When he read them he felt like he was escaping from the real world into a place that anything was possible. Leo only had one problem with the novels mc's and it was that thay only used one weapon.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Leo is your average teenager if he is not in school then he is reading light novels or playing video games. Leo liked to play dark souls a lot. He liked the fact that you decide were you put your stat points. He never really just played with one weapon the whole game. He knows that some weapons have counters to them so he used other weapons to make up for that.

Leo also likes reading novels that have martial spirits and ones that have veins to move the energy around the body. Moving the energy with your veins felt more natural to him when he read ones like that. When he read novels he always had one question why do thay only use one weapon thay could use more then one right or was it just to hard to use other one.

One night when Leo was reading he got hungry so he went to his kitchen to find something but he remember he was going to the store tomorrow because he was out of food. He said I guess I have to go to gas station and grab something down there. On his way down there he decided to take a short cut through a alleyway as he walked up the alley he heard a girl scream so he ran to her voice. When he got there he saw two men one girl and a van he put all the things he saw together and was going to help her not get kidnapped but before he could move the two man saw him. Thay told him if he does not what to get hurt then to get the fuck out of hear and forget he ever saw anything. Leo did not listen to them because he did not think thay would hurt him that badly and he could not just watch this happen or leave them and forget about it.

When Leo was growing up he had to live with his grandfather because his parents died in a car accident and he took him and raised him. When he lived with his grandfather he got to know more about him like his name john. He also found out when john was younger he joined the army and later had to out because he got to old to keep up the new recruits. When Leo grandfather took him in he taught him the work out plan for new recruits so he would not be so weak but it also did not make people super strong it was just enough to protect you or some one else. John also told him two things one was to repay kindness two-fold and replay meanness ten-fold. He also told him to help those in need if its in your power.

Back to the kidnappers Leo ran straight at them and before thay could react he swept out one of the kidnappers legs and made him fall to the ground and then he hit the other one in the stomach and made him hunch over in pain and then he took his head and slammed it against his knee repeatedly until he knocked him out. After that the other man got back Leo kicked him right across his chin and knocked him out two then Leo told the woman to run away from hear as fast as she can. As Leo was turned around to leave he heard a van door slide open so he whipped around only to see a man with two pistols and then he saw flashes of lights come from both gun barrels and then before he knew it he was on the floor bleeding heavily. As he laid on the ground and it was hard to keep his eyes open and then it got hard to hear anything then slowly his mind faded into nothing.

And then he heard a womans voice but this time it was telling him to wake up. After a couple minutes his eyes snapped open and he looked around and asked where was. Then he heard the same voice but this time it said child I was surpdied by how brave you where when you saw that girl in trouble and when you rushed to save her so when you died I took your soul to talk to you. Leo asked what did you want to talk about and what can I call you. She said you can call me god or Gaea and I wanted to ask you why you acted so fast knowing there might be danger involved. Leo said it was because of my grandfather he only taught me two things and thay where to help anybody if I thought I could and to repay kindness and meanness. Gaea said for answering my question and saveing that girl you can have two wishs but because I had to move you soul I got to look at you memories so I know what you first one is going to be. It was to go to a world like the ones you read in all the novels so what is your other wish. Leo thought and said I wish to have a technique that will let me use all the weapons. Gaea had to look through her memories and then said I do have one like that and I will give it to you but you will not get until you are five. Gaea then said I wish you luck in your next life. Then it all went black again.

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