
LOG 108: Training for The Best!

Logan was a lightning bolt at the lobby of the hotel he was staying at. He and his newly refreshed Pokemon were filled to the brim with energy. His suitcase was a lawnmower that grind the majestic and fine white polished tiles. He surrendered his keys to the counter and went about his day. About to exit the automatic sliding doors, he encountered Professor Cedric.

"My boy, off to a new region aren't ya?"

"Not quite," Logan said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I wasn't satisfied with my previous status in the Unova Pokemon League so I'm planning to redo everything for this year's upcoming."

"Ha! Ha! You'll have to wait for a bit longer. The Pokemon League that was cancelled hasn't finished yet. Where are you off to?"

"The Arid Archipelago. They have, I've heard, places where I could train my Pokemon. When I challenge the elite four, especially Grimsley, I wish to win and defeat him once in for all!" His body was pumped up as were his words.

"And what ship will you be taking, my boy?"

"S.S. Stravinsky. I might be late for my departure so I better get going."

"Good luck! I'll be waiting for you when the next league comes!"

"Thanks a lot, professor!"

<Ar! Armaldo!>Armaldo wiped its head on Cedric's.

"Why have you grown? You were once an Anorith when I saw you. He looks strong."

"Yes, Armaldo is! But I want it to be stronger than ever before! I want to surprise Grimsley with it."

"Best wishes!"

"Best wishes to you too!"

"Wait, that reminds me. If you have time, you should go and check some of the historical sights of the Arid Archipelago. There are temples, and who knows if you'll take a glimpse of the ever wandering Swords of Justice, and maybe even Meloetta!"

"That'd be cool!"


Chief Inspector Emma was ready for her new journey and mission while Detective Looker controls the Unova branch to find the seven sages. She wasn't excited than her previous ship travels. She wasn't fond of it, and whenever Detective Looker said they were to travel through sea, she'd always have a grin on her. However, the time was different. Had her interests change?

She had no smile and looked rather bored of what was coming.

"Is everything prepared there?" Looker knocked on her door.

"Yes, Mr. Looker," her words echoed drowsily.

"Are you sure? You'll miss the yacht! You also sound sleepy."

"No, no, I'm just taking another nap. It's only 8... 7... or between that. Just five more minutes and I'll meet you downstairs."


Detective Looker took her assistant seriously. Little did he know her mind was clouded with thoughts and anxiety. Even she herself who was anxious couldn't determine what gave her such. All she knew was that whatever was bothering her was unusual, like an illness or a disease.

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