
EPISODE 68: Train!***

The conquest to capture the mirage of thunder, the legendary Zapdos, begins today. Suited in our elastic rubber outfit, the three of us make our way to the helicopter, wherein I meet my personal pilot again. Charlotte and Virgo, this will be their first time to meet Xeryll, and just like my first experience with her, they felt uncomfortable after feeling the turbulence. The turbulence stops in mid air, comforting the troubled minds of my friends. Seeing them scared at first is a moment worth giggling about.

A question pops into Virgo's head. She decides to ask the pilot, 'Is it really important to ride the train? Can you not send us in the Power Plant directly rather than dropping us in Cerulean?"

"Hmm, I thought of that idea too but the clouds there are so thick, that it would give me zero-visibility, thus making the vehicle prone to danger. The route experiences hail storms every now and then, therefore making it harder for me to control the helicopter. Through a train, you're likely safer than in air." Xeryll replies, keeping her eyes on the skies. Her words make a point so Virgo decided not to ask more questions.

Upon our arrival in Cerulean City, I take a glance on the once profound laboratory of the Pokemon Government Council. It seems to me that it has been converted into a shopping mall for children and families who would like some entertainment since the city's only source of entertainment before was the Cerulean Gym.

If I'm not mistaken, fashion shows and swimming competitions are usually held in the gym. People gather at least thrice a month in order to see Misty, the gym leader of the city.

We make our way to the east, passing through a jagged terrain. Mostly, filled with gravel and sand, some are grains of clay while there are a few spots with soil and loam. The sun's heat, directly slams our face. A cold packet of orange juice will surely do the trick and stop our perspiration from wasting our bodily fluids. Another thing contributing to our perspiration is no other than the thick rubber which our outfits are made of.

Although, in the strain station, wherein it could only be accessed by members like us, we feel the sudden sensation of coldness and ice. I take a peak on the train's look, and it does surprise me to see snow and ice on its roof. Snow, which not even the heat of the sun could cool it down.

We enter the train after completing the password which is Team Rocket's favorite one. "Goldeen needs log" that is the password found in every secret base of Team Rocket and not a single time did they dare to change it. What's mind-boggling is how they used a fish as a password.

Once inside, the train shuts its doors automatically as the engine starts to ignite. Steam comes out from the chimney of the train as the wheels slowly move. Its starts slow and begins to boost speed the more it runs through the railways. The speed increases until the train is somewhat like a bullet traveling in a rapid-pace.

Through the windows I look, gazing my eyes upon the surroundings. It seems to be serene and peaceful at first. Pine trees, coconut plants, and banana trees could be seen anywhere. Pokemons such as Oddishes and Vilepumes are found lurking nearby. Although, this "serene" and "peaceful" place does not remain like this forever.

The train passes through a tunnel, turning light into darkness. It exits the tunnel, revealing a sheer cold surrounding. Trees are covered with ice, soil is absent, replaced by the delicate snow. Not a single Pokemon could be found, not a single soul nor presence. Above, are the thick clouds that Xeryll was talking about. They emit large hails, crashing them to the ground.

It scares me to think that the other side of a rainbow is something treacherous and unbelievable at first glance. Though inside, I can feel the coldness numbing my fingers despite the thick layer of rubber. The train reaches the bridge, which frightens me to the limit.

As it travels through the bridge, I can sense a shaking sensation caused by the wind. It is as if the wind is trying to throw the train out of the bridge which is a bit intense for my mind. I'd rather be suspended that being frozen in sheer cold. As luck would have it, the train surpasses the long bridge, going through another tunnel. In the tunnel our hearts alongside with our Pokemons who are outside of their Pokeballs momentarily, are calmed.

After the last tunnel, we reach the train station. Heading further north will lead us to the Power Plant, the location of the mirage of lightning. We exit the train, sighing with relief. This ride has been a thrill, as if we were in a roller-coaster of some sort.

"Phew. Glad that's done." Charlotte inhales and exhales deeply as takes her first steps on the ice terrain of this route.

"To be honest, that ride wasn't bad at all." Virgo says, somehow sighing slightly only unlike us who were nearly frightened to death. This is me and Charlotte's first time to ride a bullet train since there are no train stations in Saffron and Kanto.

"You've rode a train before haven't you?" Charlotte questions her.

"No. It was frightening but I've seen worse." Virgo replies, calmly walking.

With our arrival on the station, we forget about the train and started to focus on our main purpose here. We head north, to the Power Plant we go! However, as I walk, I feel something suspicious happening. I know how to explain it but I can't express it thoroughly. The sounds of our footsteps seem odd, very unusual and inaccurate every time we step on the snow. I then realize, we're not the only ones hoping to capture Zapdos.

I may not be hearing our footsteps, perhaps it is the footsteps of our enemy lurking somewhere nearby.

Upcoming Chapters today:

68| Train (COMPLETED)

69| Dos




So, stay tuned for the upcoming four chapters!

NotUsecreators' thoughts
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