
Young Man in Black

After the subject about building weapons, all students learned new things. Of course, it is not as advanced as their weapons since it was considered powerful and would really catch the interest of Atlas Military, especially James Ironwood.

If their advanced technology were to be revealed to public, these type of weapons would only be available when joining the Atlas Academy or if it is not, it would be another war to fight for it. Even though Ace's Father was strong, he didn't want the world to know that he can wipe out the whole planet just by snapping his fingers. It would wipe even the Immortal Salem, and the endless reincarnating soul of Ozma.

Anyway, their next subject was Combat. Here, they taught the kids how to fight grims who aspires to be huntsmen and huntswomen.

The teacher, Taiyang Xiao Long, will teach the kids on how to fight using wooden weapons that was created by someone. Naturally, Ace knew that it was his father who created those sturdy wooden weapons but decided not to tell them.

"Alright, kids! Today, is another sparring day." Taiyang stated.

The kids were all happy, except the three who were adult men inside a kid's body.

"All of you can choose your sparring partner from the same class. Find your partners!" Tai said and grouped each class first.

The lowest age of students who are allowed to fight in sparring matches are at the age of 10. Meaning, there are no students below 10 inside the sparring room and where they were also trained how to fight with their respective weapons.

Since students do use different weapons, there are judges who will correct the kids who uses the same weapon. An example was Tai, who is an expert at hand-to-hand combat but if you were to compare Tai and Silver, Silver will win when it comes to both skills and experience, Silver would win. Why? That question will be answered in DanMachi: A Dragon's Heart.

Each and every students got their chosen opponent for this sparring day. Ruby battled someone in just a few minutes because of her speed-type semblance as she used a sword but she wasn't good as she just swings it like a bat and she only won using her semblance which help her dodge attacks.

Yang chose a wooden gauntlet for her to use as she really like to tank the damage and really huge damage in return. Her opponent used a wooden mace without any spike even though they have Aura. At first, she began to receive all the blows and then she returned it back and she ended in a strong punch in the gut, breaking his Aura.

The same goes for the four, but they didn't even need to use their Semblances as their Power Level is enough to defeat these kids while also wearing weights that is almost impossible to do of the same age.

Their last lines after their first spar were, "Better luck next time..." by Blaze, "You've wasted my time." by Leo, "As expected, I won." by Ace, and "Float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee!" by Zilong.

After their battle, they all grouped in one spot.

"Hey, Blaze! How dare you not introduce us to your friends!?" Yang asked while... pouting?

"Please, introduce us too!" Ruby added.

"Right, these are..." before Blaze could even continue, Zilong spoke.

"My name is Yun Zhao! You can call me Zilong!" Zilong said enthusiastically.

"I am Wyn Wolfgang. Call me Leo." Leo introduced himself and smiled a little.

"My is name shouldn't be known. Therefore, call me Ace." Ace said in a mysterious tone.

"Hello, my name is Yang Xiao Long." Yang said and stopped.

"And my name is Ruby Rose." Ruby added.

"Nice to meet you!" Both Ruby and Yang said.

Then, someone entered the sparring room.

"Sorry, kids! Teacher Taiyang was called by the Principal. So, for now, spar with each other until the school is over." The one who said that was a man with silver hair. It was Silver, their new teacher.

"As your Teacher Silver said, you can spar with someone until the bell rang. Then, you can all go home." Tai said and exited the room.

After a few minutes of chatting, they heard what it seems to be what it is in their ears. Confusing, right? Anyway, they looked at the place where they heard the sound.

When the four saw where did the sound came from, which was from the sparring stage, they looked at each other and nodded.

All three of them pulled out their scrolls, one of them was a real scroll used by a ninja. Leo and Zilong started recording the scene as they come up to the stage with Blaze.

On the stage, there are three kids who are around 14 years old and were beating a Fox faunus twins. On of them was a boy who looked like 13 years old, and the other was a 12 years old girl.

"Stop!" Blaze yelled, but they didn't listen.

Since they didn't listen, all three of them stopped the them, making the other students that were watching told them to go away.

"What are you doing, you idiot?" one of the bully asked.

"Mind telling me why are you bullying these two?" Blaze asked as he and the other 2 were able to get in front of the two Fox faunus.

"Heh, you three are really stupid! Why are we bullying these animals? Simple. As I said, they are animals, not humans! And, we're not even bullying them! We're only playing with them, right?" The young bully said and looked at the 2 faunus.

The 2 Fox faunus nodded while trembling and had tears falling from their eyes.

"There's no need to lie, you know!" Zilong said and smiled at the 2 Fox faunuses.

"Good kids don't lie." Leo said with his stoic beautiful face.

"Now, let me ask this question and answer truthfully. Were you being bullied?" Blaze asked.

The 2 Fox faunuses didn't say anything but both of them nodded.

"Well, that clears everything." Leo said.

Leo quickly punch the one who seemed to be the leader in the face and knocked him down. Blaze also knocked the other one with a chop on his neck. Zilong kicked the other in the gut and knocked him down quickly.

Then, a smoke appeared out of nowhere and disappeared, revealing Ace wearing tuxedo with a black glasses. He gave Yang, Ruby, Blaze, Leo, and Zilong their own black glasses. They all wear it. Then, Ace pulled out something that has a button and pressed it. It released a strong light but it didn't made the other students blind.

"All what happened here, including the start of the bullying will be forgotten until these three were knocked down. All you know is that they dozed off, doing nothing." Ace said and disappeared with his smoke trick.

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