
Real Myths

Lily found out about the snake and the history of this fight. She send her freinds Ambrose, Justin, Ann and Elza to find out. Their first clue was Meg's real home which is Antarctica sea. He lived there about 18 years. So Meg has to go to his home to know more about him. Lily arrange everything to go there. When the Meg went there a new monster awakes which is the mosasaurs. Meg fight with it and finally ate it. At that time, the tianboa rised from the sea and it was attacking the peoples at Tokyo. At that time, a monster came to fight with Titanboa which is dragon. The titanboa try to catch but the dragon was flying here and there but the titanboa catch and role the dragon and eat it. When they went to the Meg home in the deep blue sea. There was a big cave. There were all the stories which happen before. They thought the myths did this. The Meg went in and saw his mother's blood. Then the Meg came out to kill the Titanboa.

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