
Daddy’s Girl, Woman’s Mind, and a Friendship From a Single Sentence.

Konrad woke up feeling a small pressure on his chest. A tiny snake was curled there with her eyes closed shut, clearly still sleeping soundly. Konrad smiled seeing this. Cristal became an irreplaceable companion for him. He even caught himself treating her more like a human child than a snake, sometimes even telling her stories to sleep. That's why when he saw the little Snake sleeping peacefully on his chest, he didn't move so she wouldn't woke up. Konrad observed her long body and listened to her quiet, hiss-like snoring.


Konrad heard Cristal, and was really surprised. He was almost certain that he heard her say ,,daddy,,. He wondered if she meant him. His question was answered soon enough.

§"sssdaddyss I love youssss"§ Konrad clearly heard the words of Cristal now, he could feel her snuggling into his chest harder while saying so. He was really touched by this. He didn't expect his little Cristal to consider him a daddy. Konrad became teary eyed because of it, then after a while he chuckled a little 'seven years old and already a father, what would my parent think haha!' Konrad thought amused.

"Daddy also loves you" Konrad whispered to the little snake patting her gently.

Cristal stirred then opened her eyes and turned to look at Konrad. Konrad Could feel happiness through the familiar bond, seems like someone just pretended to sleep.

§"Daddysss!"§ hissed Cristal who moved closer to Konrad's face and snuggled into his cheek happily.

§"Haha I'm here Crissstal"§ Konrad said patting the snake. §"I didn't know you think of me like that but I'm really happy."§ he added.

§"sesese I luv yu sesese"§

Cristal was now moving around enthusiastically, and Konrad was sure that she would be jumping from happiness if she could.

The two of them became even closer to each other from that day, and Cristal spend the entire day wrapped around Konrad's neck, don't wanting to separate. Well she did separate to play with the girls when they visited but she would stay with Konrad on any other time.


Hermione woke up very excited. Yesterday she managed to make a a small dragon in her mindscape to protect her mind library. She wanted to show it to Konrad, she believed if it was him, then he could easily find a way to see it somehow, and then he would praise her, or even hug her! She also read through the third volume of ,,Potion's simplicity v Alchemy's power,, she was really hooked up with the concept of alchemy and hoped to some day create something like a Philosopher's Stone or a formation of final constant transmutation that is the concept of alchemy. She cleans herself, wore her clothes, ate breakfast and jumped into the car. Her dad drove her to privet drive trying to make a conversation, but she was so excited that she didn't hear half what he said. Dan only saw in the mirror, how happy his daughter was, so he wasn't angry and just shrugged it off.


*knock knock*

Petunia opened the door and saw Dan and his daughter standing on her doorstep.

"Good morning Dan. Hello dearie. Konrad is already waiting for you with his new friend, so you can just go straight to his room" She said.

"Ok?" Hermione nodded and run to Konrad's room but was curious about this new friend of his.

"Hello Petty, hows everything?" Dan asked.

"Ahh its great! Say, would you like to come in? Vernon really seems to need someone to play with, he got this whole new card set and.. . . . ."


Luna opened her eyes early. She just couldn't contain her excitement! She was visiting her first ever friend and she just couldn't wait. She quickly got ready, for the day, grabbed a copy of Quibbler to show Konrad and put it in her handbag. Then she went to kindly ask the garden gnomes to leave their property, and grabbed a Dirigible Plum from the garden to show Konrad. 'I'm sure he's going to be interested about it, they are very uncommon in England.' She wanted to show herself from her best side so Konrad would like her more. He is her first friend and she didn't want him to lose interest in her just because she didn't bring anything.

Soon she was grabbing onto her daddy's forearm, feeling the unpleasant sensation of apparition, they arrived on an empty street her dad remembered, that was around 2 miles from privet drive. Xenophilius escorted his daughter to the right place.

"Two..three...Four, Privet Drive Four we're here Sugarcube!" Xeno said and smiled to his daughter.

*knock knock* Luna knocked on the door quickly. A very nice looking woman opened the door, she looked at Xenophillius strangely but then she saw the little adorable blond girl and a smile appeared on her face.

"Good morning! I assume you are Luna? Konrad said to expect you, he's waiting in his room." She then looked at Xenophilius "And I assume you are Luna's dad? Nice to meet you too, My name is Petunia Dursley, Konrad's guardian." She said reaching out her hand to greet him. Xenophilius greeted her and introduced himself as well, he could see that this woman was a nice person so he wasn't worried about his daughter anymore. Petunia invited him for tea which he accepted, and luna was guided to Konrad's room. He spend 20 minutes chatting with this muggle woman and her husband and came to a conclusion that they are very nice and polite people. He of course didn't talk about magic because even if their kid was a wizard and walked Diagon alley, they actually might not yet be in the known. There was also the fact that Konrad actually charmed him a little yesterday to think like this and he also charmed Dursleys so they wouldn't mention his surname.

After the tea, he went back home leaving Luna at privet drive, he wasn't worried anymore, he gave them his phone number (Yes they had one, something Pandora thought necessary if they needed to contact a muggle for some reason or as a good communication tool that not many wizards knows about) if anything happened and disaparated when he was far enough.


Konrad was playing with a very clingy Cristal after he prepared his room for the visit, when there was a knock to the door.

*knock knock*

"Come in!" He shouted.

Cristal hid under his shirt and the door opened. A shy blond six years old girl went through them and instantly beamed when she saw Konrad.

"Luna! You're here!" Konrad said happily and went to hug her. She was surprised with the hug but it felt nice so she hugged him back with a light blush.

"Hey Konrad. Yes I'm here! What are we going to do?" Luna asked still in the hug.

"Whatever we want to hehe." Konrad replied breaking the hug. Then Cristal emerged hear head from konrad's shirt lightly to have a look at Luna. Luna of course saw the little sneak and became really excited.

"Is that a magical snake?!" She shouted looking at Cristal with completely no fear whatsover. Konrad was surprised with her reaction but he just smiled and said.

"Yeah. Her name is Cristal and she's my precious familiar. She's for me almost like a daughter §aren't you Crissssy?§" he ended in parseltongue, and Cristal nodded happily. Luna could see a light wisp, she never saw before coming from Konrad's mouth when he hissed to Cristal.

"You can talk with her?!" Luna said surprised. Her friend was so amazing!

Like that Konrad and Luna chatted together for the next hour getting closer to each other and learning magic as well, until there was another knock.

*knock knock*

"Konrad I'm here! Stop playing with your snake and open the door!"

The voice of hermione resounded through the door. Konrad opened it with a distance alohomora and said.

"Come in!"

Hermione went in an stopped surprised seeing Luna. She was expecting someone but Luna looked younger than them and was really pretty. She felt threatened for some reason.

"Ehh.. hello? I'm Hermione." Hermione said.

Luna was also worried about this meeting but Konrad told her not to worry since hermione is very smart and nice and she should just be herself.

"Hello Hermione, I'm Luna. You have very pretty hair." She said with a smile.

Hermione was shocked with this words she always thought her hairs were terrible. Only her parents and Konrad complimented them which make her feel very happy and close to them. Luna didn't know that but thanks to her words, she became potentially very important to Hermione just like this. Only people she considered family or friends would praise her hair and even Konrad wasn't aware how much those words meant to Hermione. Any feeling of worry disappeared from her mind.

"T-Thank you! Then if you are Konrad's friend.. would... you like to be mine too? I really like your earrings" Hermione asked hopefully, she didn't care if Luna was magical or not, had weird hobbies, or lived far away, She wanted to be her friend. She praised her hair! And a mind of a woman is the greatest mystery of any universe. Hermione wasn't even aware that her simple praise was the same for Luna as Luna's praise was for her. Soon the two girls chatted as if they knew each other for years. Hermione and Konrad helped Luna learn since she was behind them , then they played together with Cristal and shared stories. Konrad looked at the two girls suddenly having such a strong bond reading a book together and smiled 'I knew they would like each other but i don't understand how they could become so close in such a short amount of time?' He thought. 'Really. How do women's mind work?'

Soon the day came to an end. Luna, Konrad and Hermione were reading a book together sitting on the bed, Konrad in the center. Then Konrad realized that their heads were lying on his shoulders, light snores coming from the girls. 'They fell asleep in such a cute position' he thought. He lifted them lightly with magic and lied them on the bed in a more comfortable position. He smiled seeing the girls peaceful expressions. He hid all the magic books and lied on the couch nearby with Cristal.

He wanted to strengthen his occlumency a little but he also fell victim to the exhaustion of the day and as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep. While he was out the girls unconsciously changed position.

Dan met Xenophilius when they came back for their children. They struck a conversation and chatted for a while until Petunia brought them to Konrad's room.

*knock knock*

"Girls! Your parents are here for you!" Petunia shouted lightly. No one answered her so she opened heather door. The three adults were met by a very cute sight. A bunch of toys lying on the ground, a boy sleeping on the couch and two little girls sleeping on the boy's bed hugging each other closely in their sleep.

"Haha it seems the kids exhausted themselves quiet a bit didn't they?" Said Dan.

"You're quiet right Mr granger, hahaha" replied Xenophilius.

"But what are we gonna do now? They seem to be sticked to each other pretty hard. How are we supposed to separate them." Said Dan still amused with the situation, yet happy that Hermione got a new friend.

"Well we can leave them like this for a while and I'll make you some tea. We'll think off something later haha!" Said Petunia.

The adults went down for a while chatting of how cute their children were, and neither spotted a snake curled on one of the Kids chest sleeping soundly.

While this was happening, Cristal dreamed about her daddy patting her and praising her clean scales. She was really happy.

In the end the girls were brought home still sleeping some time later. Each of them thought later of how lucky they were to have such close friends.

Their training and friendship continued...


Ha another 2000 letters!

I’m thinking about a time skip of around three years now. There’s a woman to save and a bunch of stuff to do as well before Hogwarts.

And don’t bully me for how fast the girls bonded it’s all the woman’s mind! I don’t know how it works XD

Anyway enjoy!


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