

Today after work the man named Kinro actualy showed up.

Kinro "Ready?"

MS "Sure."

Kinro grabbed my arm and lead me to the castle and to where some big gaurds were training.

Kinro "Ok so I want you guys to help me teach my new student defense. "

Man 1"A girl."

Boy 3 "You've never trained a little girl befor."

Kinro "I know, but I think she was meant for this team. MS this is Prayt and Jeanton. They will be helping me with the first lesson."

Kinro clapped his hands and the two boys came running after me. I jumped up to the top of the roof suprising both Prayt and Jeanton.

Jeanton "How did you do that?"

MS "Do what?"

Prayt "Jump that high."

MS "I've always been able to do this, it feels like flying."

Prayt "Amazing."

That was my first lesson, Be prepared for anything.

After training I headed back to the tavern and saw the mail man.

Mailman "Are you MS?"

MS "Uh, yes."

Mailman "You have a letter."

MS "Thankyou."

I grabbed the letter and the mailman left.

I opened it to see OPs hand writing.


Dear MS

I have been grounded for life and am not aloud to leave the palace, I was planing on sneaking out, would you like to hangout soon I was thinking the day after tomorrow, please write back




The next day I went to Kinro and asked him if I could miss training the next day.

Kinro "Do you want to play with him or protect him."

MS "What do you mean."

Kinro "We dont have time for you to fool around, stop seeing OP, it's for his safety."

MS "Of course, I wont see him."


The day after I sent a letter to MS I got a response letter from her. I was super exited until I got to read it


Dear OP

I would love to hang out with you, but the tavern has been realy busy lately, and also I, dont think we should hang out anymore. I just dont want you getting in trouble or getting hurt because of me.I will miss you.




I fell out of my chair and to my knees. And started crying. Why would she think she has to protect me? As I was laying on the floor Ulta came in.

Ulta "Huh, Owen What's wrong?!"


Ulta "You look sad."

OP "Even if I was its non of your business."

Ulta looked at my desk and saw the letter.

Ulta "What's this?"

She grabbed it and started reading.

OP "No, dont read that."

Ulta "Ha she rejected your feelings."

Ulta was smiling she was happy that my best friend was trying to stay away from me.


Ulta "Some day You will thank me for getting rid of that bitch."

Owen "What are you talking about?"



Ulta "That's a stupid idea, I don't want to be friends with any of you losers."

? "Mrs. Ulta the King asks for your presence."

We all turned to see a gaurd at the door.

Then MS grabbed my arm and started running. We had slipped out of the cell and we ran up a set of stairs...


End Of Flashback

Ulta "When the King sent for me I had made a request, and when MS got out of the cell she needed a punishment anyways. So it seemed like it was nothing more than a punishment."

Owen "No, I hate you GET OUT."

Ulta "See you later, Mwa."

Ulta left and I layed down on my bed and sobbed until I fell asleep.

Next chapter