
Defeat and Rebirth

"Lucas…. Lucas, Lucas, will you wake up?"

Lucas, a young boy with scruffy green hair and yellow eyes, sat up yawning, falling asleep on another round of training now left behind by the other cadets. In front of him was Eve looking away out to the horizon as he woke up. "Oh…. Eve, good morning. Did I miss anything?"

"The captain was going to give you a real show if I hadn't turned up. He told me to tell you to do another five laps as punishment."

"That's only fair. I'll do them in a bit." Lucas stated, getting a strange look from Eve. "What?"

"No one would know if you did it or not. You could just lie."

"No. That would be wrong of me. If that's my punishment for sleeping on the job, then I should act out my punishment. If I am going to become a Stage of Grief, I've got to follow orders, right?"

"You're strange, Lucas." 

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