
Reunited Once Again

Bargaining stood from his Titan, watching the world go by. The fight between his sister and Alice had begun in which he had no care or intention of watching. Watching the sunset, he placed his hands firmly into his pocket, sighing. "This is going to be the last sunset I see for quite a while, it seems…."

"Of course, you were always quite prepared to throw it all away in the end, weren't you, Adam Berry?" Bargaining turned as Charmeine hovered down her wings on display as she smirked at the sight. "After all these years, you're still just as stubborn and naïve as always."

"Four. I must admit I didn't expect you to still be alive. But I suppose a coward like you would always survive in the end." Bargaining scoffed at looking back at sunset. "It's almost time. Tell me, do you think Alton will go through with it?"

"Ten is unlike any of us. He'd never give up even if his goal was wrong."

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