
Drop The Curtain

"What are you doing, Alton?" Scarlett questioned, staring idly at Alton who was sitting down low on the beach poking at the sand with a stick. She turned back to Zinnia frowning. "What should we do with her?"

Alton shrugged his shoulders blankly. "Tie her up maybe? We should probably look for Emil I suppose…"

Scarlett walked up to Alton who had frozen the small area around him. She chose not to get any closer giving him a judgmental look. "What happened back there?"

"I did something stupid, that's what." He blubbered jolting up, running his hands over his face already regretting his decisions. Pacing back and forth, he squatted down near Zinnia, scratching his face. "You just had to pull my hand again, didn't you, girl? Why I keep sticking my neck out for you, I don't know."

"Alton!" She yelled, making Alton jump up again, turning around serval times looking paranoid. "Breathe… Just tell me what happened."

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