
It’s Coarse and Rough, and It Gets Everywhere

The points shot up as Alton stared at his card blankly. He eyed Jinx uneasily as Jinx disposed of the final group of streamers. His points were now at 4500 enough for any low-ranking item and not too far off the higher more sought-after prizes. Flipping the card around, he pushed back down into his pocket, seeing the sandstorm rapidly racing in on the two streamers. Jinx slapped her hands together, letting out a satisfied hum. "Well, that deals with that. What do you say, hunt down the other streamers and make them beg for mercy?"

Alton was glued to the sandstorm not hearing Jinx clearly. "What?"

Jinx walked over, leaning on his shoulder, staring into the distance. "You worried about a little bit of sand? We could catch the streamers off guard. Come on, it will be fun."

"Or they could do the same to us. I think finding shelter is better."

"Of course, you would say that you boring killjoy. Always have to act like the grownup… Mister poopy pants."

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