
The Child of the Garden Part 1

The Montague family is what many streamers strive to be—is the most prestigious and infamous family in the streaming world. If you are a Montague you are automatedly famous and a big deal in V.I.R.A.L. A mixture of born talent and the family scooping in upcoming streamers being a Montague is any streamer's dream. However, it isn't that black and white. Born into the family can be seen as tormenting and unbearable with expected members to become high grossing and popular streamers from the age of fourteen. No one knows that better than the eldest son to the head of the Montague family, Monty Montague. Being the firstborn, a lot was riding on his success after his father's killer career. From as young as he could remember, he was worked into being the best streamer he could be. Day in and day out with no signs of failure being accepted.

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